The following table describes the contents of
the DRsup (Data Release Supplemental) imaging runs for DR7.
the Key to the column headers is:

Run:   Run
Rerun: Rerun
Stpe:  Stripe
S:     Strip (North or South or Overlap (1/2 way between N and S))
mu0:   survey mu of the beginning of the run
mu1:   survey mu of the end of the run
All run have nu limits of approximately -1.25 to 1.25 degrees.
f0:    First field archived  (camcols 1-6 inclusive)
nF:    number of fields archived  (camcols 1-6 inclusive)
node: great circle ascending node (deg)
incl: great circle inclination (deg)
Comment:  What does this point at on the sky, and what are the node and
	inclination in the great circle coordinate system 
	of the stripe that this data is on.  Using
	a mu between mu0 and mu1 and setting nu=0, one can determine the RA,DEC
	of these runs by converting from great circle coordinates using the formula of
	Stoughton et al. 2002 AJ 123, 485 as listed in section 3.2.2 (where 95 degrees
	is replaced by the 'node(stripe)' below throughout).

whichDB:  Where this data can be found
	runs CAS or DAS 

What:  What this is imaging of:
 M31*: a scan over or near Andromeda (M31)
 Cross: a scan perpendicular to the regular SDSS stripe direction (for calib)
 Oblique: a scan at an angle to the SDSS stripe direction (for calib) 
 PerPisc: a scan over the Per-Pisc Galaxy cluster region of sky
 MonX1,X2: a scan at an angle to the SEGUE const. Longitude stripes (for calib)
 S*test: a test scan of a SEGUE or Legacy stripe usually in cloudy conditions
 S*ts: a test scan of a SEGUE or Legacy stripe usually in cloudy conditions
 M71: a scan over the low-latitude globular M71 (run 6895 camcol 3 hits it)
 SGP: a scan on SEGUE stripe 90, later deprecated, near the South Galactic Pole


  Run  Re Stpe S    mu0   mu1   f0    nF   node   incl    whichDB  What   inDas
 2766  40  100 N   2.58  11.56   11   60 189.985 -90.002     runs  Cross   0
 3356  40  100 N  20.35  29.34   11   60 342.831  62.034     runs  M31test 0
 3366  20  100 N  21.77  40.19   14  124 342.870  62.000  dasonly  M31     1
 3367  20  100 S  21.26  40.27   11  128 342.870  62.000  dasonly  M31     1
 3511  40  100 N  93.61 100.34   31   45 245.195 -90.142     runs  Cross   0
 3512  40  100 N  63.07  74.89   11   79 335.415  25.315     runs  Oblique 0
 3557  40  100 N  88.17  99.26   11   74  65.497  89.961     runs  Oblique 0
 3559  40  100 N  62.58  73.80   11   75 335.411  25.305     runs  Oblique 0
 3610  40   61 N  25.19  45.10   15  133  95.000 -52.500     runs  PerPisc 1
 3628  40   61 S  24.88  46.14   24  142  95.000 -52.500     runs  PerPisc 1
 3629  40   61 N  28.45  46.12   11  118  95.000 -52.500     runs  PerPisc 1
 3634  40   62 N  24.20  45.16   22  140  95.000 -50.000     runs  PerPisc 1
 3643  20   62 S  28.98  45.29   11  110  95.000 -50.000  dasonly  PerPisc 1
 3643  40   62 S  28.98  45.30   11  109  95.000 -50.000     runs  PerPisc 1
 4334  40  205 N  49.05  92.76   11  292  32.000  35.000     runs  SgrStrm 1
 4448  40  100 N  76.50  89.68   11   88 263.018 -90.003     runs  Cross   0
 4516  40  205 N 123.76 150.40   11  178  32.000  35.000     runs  SgrStrm 1
 4629  40  100 N 261.25 304.81   11  291  64.995 -90.003     runs  Cross   0
 4822  40  291 N 295.38 378.78   11  557 325.100  50.810     runs  MonX2   1
 5064  40   90 S 341.01 370.35   22  196  95.000  20.000     runs  SGP     1
 5069  40   90 S  20.69  59.91   12  262  95.000  20.000     runs  SGP     1
 5070  40   90 S  44.82  49.61   11   32  95.000  20.000     runs  SGP     1
 5181  40  100 N  74.15  91.82   11  118  83.817 -90.002     runs  Cross   0
 5391  40  290 N 226.92 267.35   11  271 259.900  43.200  dasonly  MonX1   1
 5392  40  290 N 251.87 262.95   11   75 259.900  43.200  dasonly  MonX1   1
 5398  40  290 N 251.34 284.43   11  221 259.900  43.200     runs  MonX1   1
 5657  40  206 N  27.22  37.25   14   67 212.482 -90.001     runs  Cross   1
 5711  40   79 N  19.69  54.43   11  233  95.000  -7.500  dasonly  S79Test 1
 5867  40   17 N 119.94 154.97   11  235  95.000  17.500  dasonly  S17test 1
 5921  40   17 S 123.12 132.70   11   65  95.000  17.500  dasonly  S17test 1
 6073  40  213 S  81.26  91.44   11   68 263.808  89.997     runs  Oblique 0
 6168  40 1020 S 262.19 278.07   11  107  60.000  34.950  dasonly  S1020Ts 1
 6207  40  290 N 278.53 297.84   11  129 259.900  43.200     runs  MonX1   1
 6212  40  290 N 282.34 317.52   24  235 259.900  43.200     runs  MonX1   1
 6282  41  301 S 282.43 296.20   11   93 127.890  64.230  dasonly  M71test 1
 6426  40  293 S  23.33  41.15   11  119 344.670  60.100     runs  M31halo 1
 6469  40   72 N  38.30  57.17   11  127  95.000 -25.000  dasonly  S72test 1
 6470  40   72 N  46.28  52.87   11   45  95.000 -25.000  dasonly  S72test 1
 6481  40 1356 N 118.23 130.96   11   86 226.000 316.860  dasonly  S1356ts 1
 6751  40  205 N 194.28 217.34   11  154  32.000  35.000     runs  SgrStrm 1
 6782  40  100 N 205.82 232.62   11  180  32.000  35.000  dasonly  SgrStrm 1
 6794  41  205 N 216.15 249.09   11  220  32.000  35.000     runs  SgrStrm 1
 6895  40  100 N 285.33 291.02   42   39 127.890  64.230  dasonly  M71col3 1
 7185  40 1458 S  92.33  98.47   11   42 315.140 328.780  dasonly  S1458ts 1
 7210  40  100 N  20.28  40.49   11  136 344.670  60.100  dasonly  M31halo 1
