Windbaffle Interlocks Under Manual Control Mode

Sloan Digital Sky Survey Telescope Technical Note 19990311

John Anderson Jr.

The following interlocks must be made up for the WINDBAFFLE system to operate under MANUAL control mode.


  1. All E-Stop switches must be reset (pulled out).
  2. Azimuth rotation inside the +/- 290 degree limits.
  3. Hatch closed.
  4. Building clear of the telescope.
  5. The Windbaffle Azimuth PLC Motor Permit from the telescope PLC must be made up. This signal is located in the Splitter Chassis on Slot 4, Channel 5. This permit is made up if the telescope altitude is above 20 degrees and the 15 degree stop is in/extended.
  6. The telescope azimuth brakes are off/disengaged.
  7. The doghouse crash paddles will cause an azimuth directional inhibit but the windbaffle can still move in the other direction.


  1. All E-Stop switches must be reset (pulled out).
  2. Azimuth axis at the stow position or the telescope above 20 degrees and the 15 degree stop in/extended.
  3. Altitude axis above 0.6 degrees and below 90.5 degrees.
  4. Dog house doors closed.
  5. Building either on or off. The building can not be in an intermediate position, i.e., partially over the telescope.
  6. The Windbaffle Altitude PLC Motor Permit from the telescope PLC must be made up. This signal is located in the Splitter Chassis on Slot 5, Channel 5. At present, this permit is always made up when the telescope interlock PLC is operating.
  7. The telescope altitude brakes are off/disengaged.
  8. If the Altitude Servo amplifier goes into a fault condition (such as over current) the Altitude Windscreen brake will be applied.

Questions regarding this note should be addressed to:

John Anderson by phone at (630) 840-4973 or by e-mail at or
Paul Czarapata by phone at (630) 840-2652 or by e-mail at .

Last modified 3/11/1999

boroski@fnal.g ov