Stripes 1260/76 Footprint Anomaly

There is a defect in the footprint along stripe 1260 from 30 > RA > 10 and 10 < DEC < 20 :

Here is a possible SQL for recovering these objects (to do both in the context dr7 and Runsdb) :


From Photoobjall p,field f,segment s


Ra between 30 and 10 and

Dec between 10 and 20 and

G between 18 and 18.2 and

p.fieldid = f.fieldid and f.segmentid = s.segmentid

(and mode=1 for the context dr7)

With this, we can select the interesting data in Runsdb keeping the data from Runsdb:

($11 == 1260 && $4 < 30 && $12 == 0 )

The South strip of Stripe 1260 from the runsdb consists of objects from run 4829.