Raw CCD Frame

File Format: Non-standard FITS image (uses unsigned integers)

Name: idR-rrrrrr-rc-ffff.fit, where rrrrrr is the imaging run number, r is the camera row (filter) location in the Imaging array (123456789=riuzgolts), c is the column location in the Imaging Array of the CCD which acquired the data (1-6), and ffff is the field number within the run.

Produced by: iop

Used by: bias, ssc, frames

Size: 5,800.32 Kb per file. Total of 174,009.6 Mb for all 30 photometric chips of a run with 1000 fields.

Archived? Yes. Tracked file.


A raw photometric frame from the Imaging Array.

Primary Header

SIMPLE  =                    F                                                 
BITPIX  =                  -16                                                 
NAXIS   =                    2                                                 
NAXIS1  =                 2128                                                 
NAXIS2  =                 1361
BUNITS  = 'ADUs    '
SDSS                           / This contains an SDSS extension
UNSIGNED                       / This is an SDSS unsigned 16-bit integer image
ORIGIN  = 'SDSS    '
TELESCOP= '2.5m    '
RUN     =                  XXX / Imaging run number
FLAVOR  = 'XXX     '           / Flavor of this run
SYS_SCN = 'XXX'                / System of the scan great circle (e.g., mean)
EQNX_SCN=              XXXX.XX / Equinox of the scan great circle. (years)
NODE    =            XXX.XXXXX / RA of the great circle's ascending node (deg)
INCL    =            XXX.XXXXX / Great circle's inclination wrt cel. eq. (deg)
XBORE   =               XXX.XX / Boresight x offset from the array center (mm)
YBORE   =               XXX.XX / Boresight y offset from the array center (mm)
SYSTEM  = 'XXX     '           / System of the TCC coordinates (e.g., mean)
EQUINOX =              XXXX.XX / Equinox of the TCC coordinates (years)
C_OBS   =                XXX.X / CCD row clock rate (usec/row) 
COLBIN  =                  XXX / Binning factor perpendicular to the columns
ROWBIN  =                  XXX / Binning factor perpendicular to the rows
COMMENT   arStrip enum: N or S
STRIP   = 'XXX     '           / Strip in the stripe being tracked.
STRIPE  =		    XX / Stripe index number (23 <--> eta=0)
FRAME   =                  XXX / Frame sequence number within the run
FIELD   =                  XXX / Field sequence number within the run
CAMCOL  =                  XXX / Column in the imaging camera
COMMENT   The following parameters are for when column 0 of row 0 was read
TAI     =        XXXXXXXXXX.XX / Number of seconds since Nov 17 1858 0 TAI
RA      =           XXX.XXXXXX / Right ascension of telescope boresight (deg)
DEC     =           XXX.XXXXXX / Declination of telescope boresight (degrees) 
SPA     =              XXX.XXX / Camera col position angle wrt north (degrees)
IPA     =              XXX.XXX / Instrument rotator position angle (degrees)
IPARATE =             XXX.XXXX / Instrument rotator angular velocity (deg/sec)
AZ      =           XXX.XXXXXX / Azimuth (encoder) of tele (0=N?) (degrees)
ALT     =           XXX.XXXXXX / Altitude(encoder) of tele        (degrees)
FOCUS   =           XXXXX.X    / Focus piston (microns?)
VERSION = 'XXX     '           / Version of DA software
CCDMODE = 'XXX     '           / 'STARING' or 'DRIFT'
DATE-OBS= 'DD/MM/YY'           / TAI date (DD/MM/YY)
TAIHMS  = 'HH:MM:SS.SS'        / TAI time (HH:MM:SS.SS) (TAI-UT =approx 30 s)
OBJECT  = 'XXX     '           / e.g., 'stripe 50.6 degrees, north strip'
EXPTIME =               XXX.XX / Exposure time (seconds)
NLINES  =                 1361 / Number of lines in a frame
COMMENT  CCD-specific parameters
FILTER  = 'X       '           / Filter ('u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'l', or 't')
CAMROW  =                  XXX / Row in the imaging camera
CCDLOC  =                  XXX / Survey location of CCD (e.g., rowCol)
BADLINES=                    0 / Number of bad lines in frame
AMPL    =                    X / which amp 0,1,2,3 corresponds to low pix
AMPR    =                    X / which amp 0,1,2,3 corresponds to high pix
CCDSECL = '[XXX:XXX,XXX:XXX]'  / Physical ccd section for low pixels
DATASECL= '[XXX:XXX,XXX:XXX]'  / Image section for data for low pixels
BIASSECL= '[XXX:XXX,XXX:XXX]'  / Image section for prescan for low pix
OVERSECL= '[XXX:XXX,XXX:XXX]'  / Image section for overscan for low pix
CCDSECR = '[XXX:XXX,XXX:XXX]'  / Physical ccd section for high pixels
DATASECR= '[XXX:XXX,XXX:XXX]'  / Image section for data for high pixels
BIASSECR= '[XXX:XXX,XXX:XXX]'  / Image section for prescan for high pixels
OVERSECR= '[XXX:XXX,XXX:XXX]'  / Image section for overscan for high pixels