MT Primary Stars

File Format: FITS binary table


Produced by: Contained in MTSTDS product

Used by: excal

Size: approximately 1 Mb

Archived? Partially


Defines all the MT standard stars in one meta finding chart. This lists the calibrated magnitudes for all the standard stars, and also lists the positions and relative fluxes of cataloged stars within all the standard star fields for use as finding chart stars.

Primary Header

SIMPLE  =                    T
BITPIX  =                    8
NAXIS   =                    0
EXTEND  =                    T
FILTER  =                  'V' / Filter in which finding chart was generated

Primary Standard Stars Header

There is one HDU of this type. It contains information about the fundamental, primary, and monitor stars.

BITPIX  =                    8
NAXIS   =                    2
NAXIS1  =                  112
NAXIS2  =                  XXX
PCOUNT  =                    0
GCOUNT  =                    1
TFIELDS =                    9
TFORM1  = '40A     '
TTYPE1  = 'objName '           / Object name.
TFORM2  = '1J      '
TTYPE2  = 'stdId   '           / unique standard id number (1-N);
                               / matches 'stdId' in Finding Chart Stars HDU.
TFORM3  = '1J      '
TTYPE3  = 'stdFlavor'          / standard star flavor (0=fundamental,1=primary,
                               / 2=monitor).
TFORM4  = '1D      '
TTYPE4  = 'ra      '           / J2000 right ascension (degrees)
TFORM5  = '1D      '
TTYPE5  = 'dec     '           / J2000 declination (degrees)
TFORM6  = '1E      '
TTYPE6  = 'v       '           / V magnitude
TFORM7  = '1E      '
TTYPE7  = 'bv      '           / B-V
TFORM8  = '5E      '
TTYPE8  = 'mag     '           / SDSS magnitudes (order is u' g' r' i' z')
TFORM9  = '5E      '
TTYPE9  = 'magErr  '           / Errors SDSS magnitudes (order is u' g' r' i' z')

Finding Chart Stars Header

There is one HDU of this type. It contains the finding chart stars for all fields grouped together in one bunch.

BITPIX  =                    8
NAXIS   =                    2
NAXIS1  =                   28
NAXIS2  =                  XXX
PCOUNT  =                    0
GCOUNT  =                    1
TFIELDS =                    5
TFORM1  = '1J      '
TTYPE1  = 'objId   '           / unique identifying number within finding chart
TFORM2  = '1J      '
TTYPE2  = 'stdId   '           / 1-N = standard star (matches 'stdId' in
                               /       Primary Standard Stars HDU); 
                               / 0   = not a standard star
TFORM3  = '1E      '
TTYPE3  = 'mag     '           / mag for this object in FILTER
TFORM4  = '1D      '
TTYPE4  = 'ra      '           / J2000 right ascension (degrees)
TFORM5  = '1D      '
TTYPE5  = 'dec     '           / J2000 declination (degrees)