
File Format: FTCL parameter file

Name: plPlugMapT-XXXX.par for a tile with XXXX the tile ID, plPlugMapP-YYYYQ.par for a plate with YYYY the plate id, and plPlugMapM-YYYY-ZZZZZ-AAQ.par for a plate with YYYY the plate id, ZZZZZ the MJD of the mapper run (keyword fscanMJD), AA a unique integer over this mapper run for the plate (keyword fscanId), and Q the pointing identifier (A, B, C, ...) for plates with multiple pointings (it is absent for plates with a single pointing, which is most plates).

Produced by: completeTilePre

Modified by: completeTile, plate, plug

Used by: completeTile, plate, plug

Size: approximately 100 Kb

Archived? Yes


This file tracks the creation of a tile through its being plugged on the mountain as a plate. Its created by the completeTile pipeline, which assigns the final list of targets to a tile. At this stage, the table fields xFocal, yFocal, spectrographId, fiberId, and throughput are all unset (indicating by setting their values to -999), as are the keywords plateVersion, plateId, temp, haMin, haMax, mjdDesign, theta, fscanVersion, fmapVersion, fscanMJD, fscanId, fscanMode, fscanSpeed, pluggers, and cartridgeId. The plate pipeline converts the file from a tile specification file to a plate specification file for that plate. It fills in the values for the table fields xFocal and yFocal (the physical location of the hole on the plate), assigns preliminary values to spectrographId and fiberId to assist in plugging, and adds the keywords plateVersion (the version of the plate pipeline used), plateId (the unique ID for the plate), temp, haMin, haMax, mjdDesign, and theta (the observing conditions for which the plate was designed). The scanner/mapper converts the file from a plate specification to a specification for a plate plugged with a fiber harness. It fills in values for the table fields spectrographId, fiberId, and throughput (identifying which fiber is plugged in which hole and how much light is being transmitted through it), and adds the keywords fscanVersion, fmapVersion, fscanMJD, fscanId, fscanMode, fscanSpeed, pluggers, and cartridgeId. The combination fscanMJD and fscanId is unique for a given plateId, and uniquely identifies a mapping for a plate. The primTarget and secTarget fields take the same value as the same fields in the tsObj files (see the description of that file for the legal values for those bit masks). If the object was targetted in the main survey then the targetting flags are for the main survey; in this case the highest bit in the two flags will not be set. If the object was not targetted in the main survey then the target flags are for the southern survey; in this case the highest bit in the two flags will be set.


# First set of keywords created by completeTile pipeline
completeTileVersion 'XXX'               # Version of completeTile software
tileId              XXXX                # Unique tile ID
raCen               XXX.X               # J2000 RA of tile center (degrees)
decCen              XXX.X               # J2000 DEC of tile center (degrees)
reddeningMed	XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX XX.XX # Median extinction over all
					# science objects on the tile, in 
					# order ugriz

pointing                X               # Pointing (present only for plates
                                        # with multiple pointings)

# Next set of keywords added by plate software
plateVersion        'XXX'               # Version of plate software
plateId              XXXX               # Unique plate ID
temp		    XXX.X               # Temperature plate drilled for (deg C)
haMin		    XXX.X               # Minimum ha angle drilled for (deg)
haMax		    XXX.X               # Maximum ha angle drilled for (deg)
mjdDesign	      XXX               # Integer MJD drilled for (MJD)
theta               XXX.X               # Cartridge position angle (deg)

# Next set of keywords added by mapper software
fscanVersion         'XXX'              # Version of scan software
fmapVersion         'XXX'               # Version of mapping software
fscanMJD	    XXXXX		# Integer MJD when plugged plate was
					# scanned
fscanId		     XX			# Unique mapped-plugged-plate id
					# (together with fscanMJD)
fscanMode 	    'XXX'		# 'slow', 'fast', or 'extreme'
fscanSpeed 	    XXXX		# Motor scanning speed 
pluggers            'XXX'               # Who plugged the plate
cartridgeId          XXX                # Cartridge plugged into the plate

# Type of plate hole
typedef enum {
    OBJECT,          # Object
    COHERENT_SKY,    # Coherent sky bundle
    GUIDE,           # Coherent guide bundle
    LIGHT_TRAP,      # Light trap
    QUALITY,         # Drilling quality assurance
    ALIGNMENT        # Plate alignment hole

# Why completeTile (or tile) assigned this target to the tile
typedef enum {
    QA,              # Quality assurance (assigned to more than one tile)
    SKY,             # Blank sky
    NA,              # Not applicable (not an OBJECT hole)

typedef struct {
    int       objId[5];       # Unique object id (run,rerun,camCol,field,id)
    HOLETYPE  holeType;	      # Hole type
    double    ra;             # J2000 RA (deg, -999 for QUALITY holes)
    double    dec;            # J2000 DEC (deg, -999 for QUALITY holes)
    float     mag[5];         # Fiber magnitude (u, g, r, i, z; OBJECT and
                              # and GUIDE holes only)
    float     starL;          # r' likelihood object is star (0-1,
                                OBJECT holes only)
    float     expL;           # r' likelihood object is exponential disk (0-1,
                                OBJECT holes only)
    float     deVaucL;        # r' likelihood object is deVaucouleurs profile
                                (0-1, OBJECT holes only)
    OBJTYPE   objType;        # Type of object (OBJECT holes only)
    double    xFocal;         # Hole x-axis position in focal plane (mm)
    double    yFocal;         # Hole y-axis position in focal plane (mm)
    int       spectrographId; # Spectrograph ID of plugged fiber (1,2, OBJECT
                              # holes only)
    int       fiberId;        # Fiber ID of plugged fiber (for OBJECT holes,
			      # 1 - 320, -1 if not mapped; for GUIDE holes,
			      # 1-11 [small guide bundles only]) ids <0 for 
			      # overlay in plugMapP file only
    int       throughput;     # Fiber throughput (0 - 65535 , 0=no light, 
                              # OBJECT holes only)
    int       primTarget;     # Primary target flags
    int       secTarget;      # Secondary target flags