Name:, where rrrrrr is the imaging run number, c is the column location in the Imaging Array of the CCD which acquired the data (1-6), and ffff is the field number.
Produced by: ps
Used by: frames
Size: 3 * 2880 + (Nfields * 584 {rounded up to nearest multiple of 2880 bytes}). Total of 593.28 Kb for a single postage stamp pipeline run with 1000 fields.
Archived? Yes
The "KALXX_ID" keywords identify which secondary patches are used. If, for example, 3 patches were used, then the keywords "KAL01_ID", "KAL02_ID", and "KAL03_ID" must be present. Each such keyword identifies one patch, and should have a value of the form "XXXXX:YYYYY", where "XXXXX" is the sequence ID for the patch (i.e., the sequence ID recorded in the observing log for the frames from which the data came), and "YYYYY" is the unique ID for the Kali run which produced the calibrated data. A sample keyword would look like:
KAL01_ID= '14653:1998-11-14T14:21:27 25387'
SIMPLE = T BITPIX = 8 NAXIS = 0 EXTEND = T VERSION = 'XXX ' / Version of software used. RUN = XXX / Imaging run number. SSC_ID = 'XXX ' / SSC pipeline run identifier. ASTRO_ID= 'XXX ' / Astrometric pipeline run identifier. BIAS_ID = 'XXX ' / Bias pipeline run identifier. PS_ID = 'XXX ' / Postage stamp pipeline run identifier. FIELD = XXX / Field reduced. FIELD0 = XXX / First field reduced. NFIELDS = XXX / Number of fields reduced. CAMCOL = XXX / Column in the imaging camera. EXCAL_ID= 'XXX ' / Excal pipeline run identifier (optional). KALXX_ID= 'XXX ' / Kali pipeline run identifier for patch XX FILTERS = 'XXX XXX ...' / Filter order in array fields DSCALE = XXX / Scaling for bias drift (lbias and rbias) INCL = XXX.XXXXX / Great circle inclination wrt cel. eq. (degrees) NODE = XXX.XXXXX / RA of great circle's asending node. (degrees) END
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' BITPIX = 8 NAXIS = 2 NAXIS1 = 144 NAXIS2 = XXX PCOUNT = XXX GCOUNT = 1 N_BASIS = XXX / Number of fields for basis stars N_COEFF = XXX / Number of fields for coeff stars TFIELDS = 11 THEAP = XXX TFORM1 = '1J ' TTYPE1 = 'nrow_b ' / Maximum order in row for spatial variations TFORM2 = '1J ' TTYPE2 = 'ncol_b ' / Maximum order in col for spatial variations TFORM3 = '25E ' TTYPE3 = 'c ' / Spatial variation of coefficients TDIM3 = '(5,5) ' TFORM4 = '1E ' TTYPE4 = 'lambda ' / Eigenvalue TFORM5 = '1J ' TTYPE5 = 'rnrow ' / Number of rows in eigenimage TFORM6 = '1J ' TTYPE6 = 'rncol ' / Number of columns in eigenimage TFORM7 = '1J ' TTYPE7 = 'rtype ' / Data type in eigenimage TFORM8 = '1PE(0) ' TTYPE8 = 'rrows ' / Rows in eigenimage TFORM9 = '1J ' TTYPE9 = 'rrow0 ' / Row 0 in eigenimage TFORM10 = '1J ' TTYPE10 = 'rcol0 ' / Col 0 in eigenimage TFORM11 = '1E ' TTYPE11 = 'counts ' / Counts in eigenimage END
PSP_FIELD_UNKNOWN = -1, /* this should never happen */ PSP_FIELD_OK = 0, /* everything OK */ PSP_FIELD_PSF22 = 1, /* forced to take linear PSF across field */ PSP_FIELD_PSF11 = 2, /* forced to take constant PSF across field */ PSP_FIELD_NOPSF = 3, /* forced to take default PSF */ PSP_FIELD_ABORTED = 4, /* aborted processing */ PSP_FIELD_MISSING = 5, /* missing (dummy) field */ PSP_FIELD_OE_TRANSIENT = 6, /* field with odd/even bias level transient */ PSP_FIELD_STATUS_MASK = 31, /* Mask defining which bits are used for status values; higher bits are available to be set with extra information */ PSP_FIELD_EXTENDED_KL = 0x20,/* Window for KL stars was extended */ PSP_FIELD_SPARSE = 0x40, /* field is sparsely populated with KL stars */ PSP_FIELD_MAX = 0x40000000 /* Maximum possible bit value in a +ve int */"psp_status" is the maximum value of "status" over all 5 filters. FILTER.
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' BITPIX = 8 NAXIS = 2 NAXIS1 = 1388 NAXIS2 = 1 PCOUNT = 0 GCOUNT = 1 TFIELDS = 29 TFORM1 = '1J ' TTYPE1 = 'field ' / Field sequence number within the run. TFORM2 = '1J ' TTYPE2 = 'psp_status' / TFORM3 = '5J ' TTYPE3 = 'status ' / TFORM4 = '5E ' TTYPE4 = 'sky ' / The average sky value in the frame. TUNIT4 = 'counts/pixel' TFORM5 = '5E ' TTYPE5 = 'skySig ' / Sigma of distribution of sky values. TUNIT5 = 'counts/pixel' TFORM6 = '5E ' TTYPE6 = 'skyErr ' / The average sky value in the frame. (error) TUNIT6 = 'counts/pixel' TFORM7 = '5E ' TTYPE7 = 'skySlope' / The slope in the sky value along the columns. TUNIT7 = 'counts/field' TFORM8 = '5E ' TTYPE8 = 'lbias ' / Left-hand bias level. TUNIT8 = 'ADUs x DSCALE' TFORM9 = '5E ' TTYPE9 = 'rbias ' / Right-hand bias level. TUNIT9 = 'ADUs x DSCALE' TFORM10 = '5J ' TTYPE10 = 'psf_nstar' / Number of stars used in psf measurement. TFORM11 = '5E ' TTYPE11 = 'psf_ap_correctionErr' / Photometric error due to imperfect PSF model TUNIT11 = 'mags ' TFORM12 = '5E ' TTYPE12 = 'psf_sigma1' / Inner gaussian sigma for the composite fit TUNIT12 = 'pixels ' TFORM13 = '5E ' TTYPE13 = 'psf_sigma2' / Outer gaussian sigma for the composite fit TUNIT13 = 'pixels ' TFORM14 = '5E ' TTYPE14 = 'psf_b ' / Ratio of the inner PSF to the outer PSF at the TFORM15 = '5E ' TTYPE15 = 'psf_p0 ' / The value of the power law at the origin. TFORM16 = '5E ' TTYPE16 = 'psf_beta' / Slope of power law. TFORM17 = '5E ' TTYPE17 = 'psf_sigmap' / Width parameter for power law. TFORM18 = '5E ' TTYPE18 = 'psf_width' / Effective PSF width, based on 2-Gaussian fit TUNIT18 = 'arcsecs ' TFORM19 = '5E ' TTYPE19 = 'psf_psfCounts' / Flux via fit to the PSF. TUNIT19 = 'counts ' TFORM20 = '5E ' TTYPE20 = 'psf_sigma1_2G' TUNIT20 = 'pixels ' TFORM21 = '5E ' TTYPE21 = 'psf_sigma2_2G' TUNIT21 = 'pixels ' TFORM22 = '5E ' TTYPE22 = 'psf_b_2G' / Ratio of gaussian 2 to gaussian 1 at origin TFORM23 = '5E ' TTYPE23 = 'psfCounts' TFORM24 = '5J ' TTYPE24 = 'prof_nprof' / Number of profile bins. TFORM25 = '75E ' TTYPE25 = 'prof_mean' TDIM25 = '(15,5) ' TFORM26 = '75E ' TTYPE26 = 'prof_med' TDIM26 = '(15,5) ' TFORM27 = '75E ' TTYPE27 = 'prof_sig' TDIM27 = '(15,5) ' TFORM28 = '5E ' TTYPE28 = 'gain ' / Gain averaged over all amplifiers. TUNIT28 = 'electrons/DN' TFORM29 = '5E ' TTYPE29 = 'dark_variance' / Dark variance? END
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' BITPIX = 8 NAXIS = 2 NAXIS1 = 9 NAXIS2 = 5 PCOUNT = 0 GCOUNT = 1 TFIELDS = 3 TFORM1 = '1A ' TTYPE1 = 'filter ' / Filter TFORM2 = '1E ' TTYPE2 = 'flux20 ' / Flux for a 20th mag (above atmosphere) object. TUNIT2 = 'counts ' TFORM3 = '1E ' TTYPE3 = 'flux20Err' / Flux for a 20th mag (above atmosphere) object. TUNIT3 = 'counts ' END
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' BITPIX = 8 NAXIS = 2 NAXIS1 = 17 NAXIS2 = 5 PCOUNT = 0 GCOUNT = 1 TFIELDS = 5 TFORM1 = '1A ' TTYPE1 = 'filter ' TFORM2 = '1J ' TTYPE2 = 'nann_ap_frame' / Number of annuli in the aperture magnitude used COMMENT / to allow for PSF variations within a frame TFORM3 = '1J ' TTYPE3 = 'nann_ap_run' / Number of annuli in the aperture magnitude used COMMENT / to allow for PSF variations during a run TFORM4 = '1E ' TTYPE4 = 'ap_corr_run' / Bias in the aperture correction TUNIT4 = 'mags ' COMMENT / median of m(aperture)-m(psf), where COMMENT / aperture is defined by nann_aperture_corr_run TFORM5 = '1E ' TTYPE5 = 'ap_corr_runErr' / Error in aperture correction, including TUNIT5 = 'mags ' COMMENT / Error in aperture correction, including COMMENT / contributions from the bias and rms scatter END END