Calibrated Spectra for a single CCD and exposure

File Format:


The spectroscopic observations combine 3 or more exposures of 15 minutes each, each of which consists of red and blue halves. The combined spectra are available in the spPlate file. The spCFrame files contain the extracted spectra for a single CCD (i.e., the red or blue half) of a single exposure. These spectra are still in the native wavelength mapping, which is neither linear in wavelength nor log-wavelength. However, the spectra are flux-calibrated, and deviant pixels are rejected in the pixel mask (from the comparison with the other exposures).

The spCFrame file contains the following:

HDU #0 = Flux in units of 10^(-17) erg/s/cm^2/Ang [FLOAT]
HDU #1 = Inverse variance (1/sigma^2) for the above [FLOAT]
HDU #2 = Pixel mask [32-bit INT]
HDU #3 = Wavelength solution in log-10 Angstroms (vacuum) [FLOAT]
HDU #4 = Wavelength dispersion in units of (10^(-4) log-10 wavelength)^(-1) [FLOAT]
         (these are the same units as in the combined-spectrum spPlate file)
HDU #5 = Plug-map structure from plPlugMapM file [BINARY FITS TABLE]
HDU #6 = Sky flux in units of 10^(-17) erg/s/cm^2/Ang [FLOAT]

Primary HDU 0

Flux density in units of 10^{-17} erg/s/cm^2/A

SIMPLE  =                    T / FIT STANDARD                                   
BITPIX  =                  -32 / FITS BITS/PIXEL                                
NAXIS   =                    2 / NUMBER OF AXES                                 
NAXIS1  =                 2048 / WIDTH (TOTAL!)                                 
NAXIS2  =                  320 / HEIGHT (TOTAL!)                                
EXTEND  =                    T /                                                
TAI     =        4606272460.09 / 1st row - Number of seconds since Nov 17 1858  
RA      =            39.822852 / 1st row - Right ascension of telescope boresigh
DEC     =            0.036944  / 1st row - Declination of telescope boresight (d
EQUINOX =              2000.00 /                                                
RADECSYS= 'FK5     '           /                                                
SPA     =             359.998  / 1st row - Camera col position angle wrt north (
IPA     =             332.026  / 1st row - Instrument rotator position angle (de
IPARATE =             -0.0048  / 1st row - Instrument rotator angular velocity (
AZ      =            326.04356 / 1st row - Azimuth  (encoder) of tele (0=N?) (de
ALT     =            52.269743 / 1st row - Altitude (encoder) of tele        (de
AIRMASS =              1.26042 /                                                
FOCUS   =            0.000000  / 1st row - Focus piston (microns?)              
DATE-OBS= '2004-11-04'         / 1st row - TAI date                             
TAIHMS  = '08:07:40.09'        / 1st row - TAI time (HH:MM:SS.SS) (TAI-UT = appr
TIMESYS = 'tai     '           / TAI, not UTC                                   
TAI-BEG =        4606271477.00 / Exposure Start Time                            
TAI-END =        4606272409.00 / Exposure End Time                              
MJD     =                53313 / MJD of observation                             
VERSION = 'v3_142_0'           / version of IOP                                 
CAMVER  = 'SPEC1 v4_8'         / Camera code version                            
OBSERVER= 'ank     '                                                            
OBSCOMM = 'science '                                                            
TELESCOP= 'SDSS 2.5-M'         / Sloan Digital Sky Survey                       
SEQID   =                29120 / Spectro sequence number, unique over           
EXPOSURE=                29122 / Spectro exposure number, unique over           
EXPTIME = 9.00100000000000E+02 / Exposure time. (seconds)                       
DARKTIME= 9.32000000000000E+02 / Time between flush charge and read-ou          
FLAVOR  = 'science '           / Flavor of this sequence (e.g., dome f          
QUALITY = 'excellent'          / night/image quality                            
RADEG   = 3.98223500000000E+01 / Right Ascension. (degrees)                     
DECDEG  = 3.68630600000000E-02 / Declination. (degrees)                         
PLATEID =                 1560 / Plate Id                                       
TILEID  =                 9466 / Tile Id                                        
CARTID  =                    9 /Cartridge used in this plugging                 
REDDEN  = '0 0 0 0 0'          / Median reddening vector for plate              
MAPID   =              5330701 / Map Id                                         
NAME    = '1560-53307-01'      / Name of target; PlateId-MJD-Mapper Re          
PLUGMAPO= '/data/spectro/plugMapM/plPlugMapM-1560-53307-01.par' / plPlugMap load
CAMERAS = 'b1      '           / camera ID in this exposure                     
NGUIDE  =                   39 / Number of guider frames during exposure        
SEEING20=              1.12000 / 20% seeing during exposure (arcsec)            
SEEING50=              1.23000 / 50% seeing during exposure (arcsec)            
SEEING80=              1.37000 / 80% seeing during exposure (arcsec)            
RMSOFF20=             0.143178 / 20% RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec)        
RMSOFF50=             0.228473 / 50% RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec)        
RMSOFF80=             0.304631 / 80% RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec)        
CAMCOL  =                    1 / CCD ID in this exposure                        
COLBIN  =                    1 / Binning factor perpendicular to the c          
ROWBIN  =                    1 / Binning factor perpendicular to the r          
PROGRAM = 'binning 1   1 '     / Identifying name for CCD program               
AMPLL   =                    0 / which amp 0,1,2,3 corresponds to low           
AMPLR   =                    2 / which amp 0,1,2,3 corresponds to low           
AMPUL   =                    1 / which amp 0,1,2,3 corresponds to high          
AMPUR   =                    3 / which amp 0,1,2,3 corresponds to high          
SECFOCUS= 0.00000000000000E+00 / Secondary Mirror Position as reported          
GUIDEIMG= '/data/spectro/guider/gimg0464.fits' / Last archived guider image     
WTIME   = 1.09955546000000E+09 / weatherData(timeStamp)                         
AIRTEMP = 7.50000000000000E+00 / weatherData(airtemp)                           
DEWPOINT= -2.5300000000000E+01 / weatherData(dewpoint)                          
DEWDEP  = 3.28000000000000E+01 / weatherData(dewpointDep)                       
DUSTA   = -9.9990000000000E+03 / weatherData(dusta)                             
DUSTB   = 2.50000000000000E+01 / weatherData(dustb)                             
DUSTC   = 9.26000000000000E+02 / weatherData(dustc)                             
DUSTD   = 1.90000000000000E+01 / weatherData(dustd)                             
GUSTD   = 1.37300000000000E+02 / weatherData(gustd)                             
GUSTS   = 6.00000000000000E+00 / weatherData(gusts)                             
HUMIDITY= 7.60000000000000E+00 / weatherData(humidity)                          
HUMIDOUT= 7.00000000000000E+00 / weatherData(humidout)                          
PRESSURE= 2.15300000000000E+01 / weatherData(pressure)                          
WINDD   = 1.79200000000000E+02 / weatherData(windd)                             
WINDS   = 5.10000000000000E+00 / weatherData(winds)                             
FFS     = '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'    / FlatField Screen 1:closed 0:open               
FF      = '0 0 0 0 '           / FlatField Lamps 1:on 0:off                     
NE      = '0 0 0 0 '           / Ne Lamps 1:on 0:off                            
HGCD    = '0 0 0 0 '           / Hgcd Lamps 1:on 0:off                          
SPEC1   = '1 0 1 1 '           / Dr_opn Dr_cls Latch Slithead (1:inpla          
SPEC2   = '1 0 1 1 '           / Dr_opn Dr_cls Latch Slithead (1:inpla          
TEMP01  = -9.3360000000000E+01 / CCD 01 Temperature                             
TEMP02  = -9.4140000000000E+01 / CCD 02 Temperature                             
TEMP03  = -9.2970000000000E+01 / CCD 03 Temperature                             
TEMP04  = -9.2970000000000E+01 / CCD 04 Temperature                             
CAMROW  =                    0 /                                                
AUTHOR  = 'Scott Burles & David Schlegel' /                                     
VERSIDL = '6.3     '           / Version of IDL                                 
VERSUTIL= 'v5_2_0  '           / Version of idlutils                            
VERSREAD= 'v5_3_3  '           / Version of idlspec2d for pre-processing raw dat
VERS2D  = 'v5_3_3  '           / Version of idlspec2d for 2D reduction          
VERSLOG = 'fermi-CVS 05/16/07' / Version of SPECLOG product                     
VERSFLAT= 'v1_7    '           / Version of SPECFLAT product                    
GAIN2   =              1.10000 / Gain in electrons per ADU                      
RDNOISE2=              3.97710 / Readout noise in electrons                     
GAIN3   =              1.05000 / Gain in electrons per ADU                      
RDNOISE3=              2.96507 / Readout noise in electrons                     
NBLEAD  =                    0 / Number of columns with blead trails            
PIXBIAS = 'pixbiasave-00001-b1.fits' /                                          
PIXFLAT = 'pixflatave-00001-b1.fits' /                                          
OPBC    = 'opBC-51813.par'     /                                                
OPCONFIG= 'opConfig-50000.par' /                                                
OPECALIB= 'opECalib-51577.par' /                                                
FRAMESN2=        9.10780207702 /                                                
XSIGMA  =              1.05818 /                                                
WSIGMA  =              1.03411 /                                                
PLUGFILE= 'plPlugMapM-1560-53307-01.par' /                                      
FLATFILE= '' /                                               
ARCFILE = '' /                                               
OBJFILE = '' /                                               
LAMPLIST= 'lamphgcdne.dat'     /                                                
SKYLIST = 'skylines.dat'       /                                                
HELIO_RV=        3.02849160012 / Heliocentric correction (added to velocities)  
VACUUM  =                    T / Wavelengths are in vacuum                      
SFLATTEN=                    T / Superflat has been applied                     
PSFSKY  =                    3 / Order of PSF skysubtraction                    
SKYCHI2 =        1.08588621061 / Mean chi^2 of sky-subtraction                  
PREJECT =             0.200000 / Profile area rejection threshold               
LOWREJ  =                    5 / Extraction: low rejection                      
HIGHREJ =                    8 / Extraction: high rejection                     
SCATPOLY=                    0 / Extraction: Order of scattered light polynomial
PROFTYPE=                    3 / Extraction profile: 1=Gaussian                 
NFITPOLY=                    1 / Extraction: Number of parameters in each profil
XCHI2   =              1.20984 / Extraction: Mean chi^2                         
BUNIT   = '1E-17 erg/cm^2/s/Ang' /                                              


Contains the estimated inverse variance (i.e., the inverse of the square of the estimated error) of the flux density of each spectrum, in units of (10^-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang)^-2. It is set to zero (i.e., infinite error) for pixels with flags indicating that the data are unreliable.

XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           /Image Extension created by MWRFITS v1.4a        
BITPIX  =                  -32 /                                                
NAXIS   =                    2 /                                                
NAXIS1  =                 2048 /                                                
NAXIS2  =                  320 /                                                
PCOUNT  =                    0 /                                                
GCOUNT  =                    1 /                                                


Mask bits for this image. See the spPlate data model for the meaning of the mask bits.

XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           /Image Extension created by MWRFITS v1.4a        
BITPIX  =                   32 /                                                
NAXIS   =                    2 /                                                
NAXIS1  =                 2048 /                                                
NAXIS2  =                  320 /                                                
PCOUNT  =                    0 /                                                
GCOUNT  =                    1 /                                                


Wavelength solution in log-10 Angstroms (vacuum)

XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           /Image Extension created by MWRFITS v1.4a        
BITPIX  =                  -64 /                                                
NAXIS   =                    2 /                                                
NAXIS1  =                 2048 /                                                
NAXIS2  =                  320 /                                                
PCOUNT  =                    0 /                                                
GCOUNT  =                    1 /                                                


Wavelength dispersion in units of (10^(-4) log-10 wavelength)^(-1) [FLOAT] (these are the same units as in the combined-spectrum spPlate file)

XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           /Image Extension created by MWRFITS v1.4a        
BITPIX  =                  -32 /                                                
NAXIS   =                    2 /                                                
NAXIS1  =                 2048 /                                                
NAXIS2  =                  320 /                                                
PCOUNT  =                    0 /                                                
GCOUNT  =                    1 /                                                


Plug-map structure from plPlugMapM file

XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           /Binary table written by MWRFITS v1.4a           
BITPIX  =                    8 /Required value                                  
NAXIS   =                    2 /Required value                                  
NAXIS1  =                  178 /Number of bytes per row                         
NAXIS2  =                  320 /Number of rows                                  
PCOUNT  =                    0 /Normally 0 (no varying arrays)                  
GCOUNT  =                    1 /Required value                                  
TFIELDS =                   21 /Number of columns in table                      
COMMENT  *** End of mandatory fields ***                                        
COMMENT  *** Column names ***                                                   
TTYPE1  = 'OBJID   '           /                                                
TTYPE2  = 'HOLETYPE '          /                                                
TTYPE3  = 'RA      '           /                                                
TTYPE4  = 'DEC     '           /                                                
TTYPE5  = 'MAG     '           /                                                
TTYPE6  = 'STARL   '           /                                                
TTYPE7  = 'EXPL    '           /                                                
TTYPE8  = 'DEVAUCL '           /                                                
TTYPE9  = 'OBJTYPE '           /                                                
TTYPE10 = 'XFOCAL  '           /                                                
TTYPE11 = 'YFOCAL  '           /                                                
TTYPE12 = 'SPECTROGRAPHID '    /                                                
TTYPE13 = 'FIBERID '           /                                                
TTYPE14 = 'THROUGHPUT '        /                                                
TTYPE15 = 'PRIMTARGET '        /                                                
TTYPE16 = 'SECTARGET '         /                                                
TTYPE17 = 'OFFSETID '          /                                                
TTYPE18 = 'SCI_EXPTIME '       /                                                
TTYPE19 = 'CALIBFLUX '         /                                                
TTYPE20 = 'CALIBFLUX_IVAR '    /                                                
TTYPE21 = 'SFD_EBV '           /                                                
COMMENT  *** Column formats ***                                                 
TFORM1  = '5J      '           /                                                
TFORM2  = '6A      '           /                                                
TFORM3  = 'D       '           /                                                
TFORM4  = 'D       '           /                                                
TFORM5  = '5E      '           /                                                
TFORM6  = 'E       '           /                                                
TFORM7  = 'E       '           /                                                
TFORM8  = 'E       '           /                                                
TFORM9  = '16A     '           /                                                
TFORM10 = 'D       '           /                                                
TFORM11 = 'D       '           /                                                
TFORM12 = 'J       '           /                                                
TFORM13 = 'J       '           /                                                
TFORM14 = 'J       '           /                                                
TFORM15 = 'J       '           /                                                
TFORM16 = 'J       '           /                                                
TFORM17 = 'J       '           /                                                
TFORM18 = 'E       '           /                                                
TFORM19 = '5E      '           /                                                
TFORM20 = '5E      '           /                                                
TFORM21 = 'E       '           /                                                


Sky flux in units of 10^(-17) erg/s/cm^2/Ang

XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           /Image Extension created by MWRFITS v1.4a        
BITPIX  =                  -32 /                                                
NAXIS   =                    2 /                                                
NAXIS1  =                 2048 /                                                
NAXIS2  =                  320 /                                                
PCOUNT  =                    0 /                                                
GCOUNT  =                    1 /                                                


HDU for testing purposes only; please ignore.

XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           /Image Extension created by MWRFITS v1.4a        
BITPIX  =                  -32 /                                                
NAXIS   =                    2 /                                                
NAXIS1  =                 2048 /                                                
NAXIS2  =                  320 /                                                
PCOUNT  =                    0 /                                                
GCOUNT  =                    1 /