DM from fits header

File Format:
spPlate-YYYY-ZZZZZ.fits, where YYYY is the plate ID and ZZZZZ is the MJD the plate was observed. If the same mapping of this plate was observed on several nights, then this MJD corresponds to the last night it was observed.
Produced by:
Used by:
spectro1d, specBS


The 640 combined flux- and wavelength-calibrated spectra over all exposures (potentially spanning multiple nights) for a given mapped plate.

In summary, this file contains the following:

Each HDU contains an entry for each of the 640 fibers on a plate.

There are two masks, an "AND" mask and an "OR" mask. The spectra are constructed from 3 or more 15-minute observations, and the "AND" mask bits are set if that bit is set for each and every input observation. The "OR" mask bits are set if that bit is set for any of the observations.

The mask bits are set as follows:

 0 NOPLUG          Fiber not listed in plugmap file
 1 BADTRACE        Bad trace from routine TRACE320CRUDE
 2 BADFLAT         Low counts in fiberflat
 3 BADARC          Bad arc solution
 4 MANYBADCOLUMNS  >10% pixels are bad columns
 5 MANYREJECTED    >10% pixels are rejected in extraction
 6 LARGESHIFT      Large spatial shift between flat and object pos'n
 7 BADSKYFIBER     Sky Fiber shows extreme residuals
 8 NEARWHOPPER     Within 2 fibers of a whopping fiber (inclusive)
10 SMEARIMAGE      Smear available for red and blue cameras (deprecated)
11 SMEARHIGHSN     S/N sufficient for full smear fit (deprecated)
12 SMEARMEDSN      S/N only sufficient for scaled median fit (deprecated)
16 NEARBADPIXEL    Bad pixel within 3 pixels of trace
17 LOWFLAT         Flat field less than 0.5
18 FULLREJECT      Pixel fully rejected in extraction (INVVAR=0)
19 PARTIALREJECT   Some pixels rejected in extraction
20 SCATTEREDLIGHT  Scattered light significant
21 CROSSTALK       Cross-talk significant
22 NOSKY           Sky level unknown at this wavelength (INVVAR=0)
23 BRIGHTSKY       Sky level > flux + 10*(flux error)
                   AND sky > 2.0 * median(sky,99 pixels)
24 NODATA          No data available in combine B-spline (INVVAR=0)
25 COMBINEREJ      Rejected in combine B-spline
26 BADFLUXFACTOR   Low flux-calibration or flux-correction factor
27 BADSKYCHI       Relative chi^2 > 3 in sky residuals at this wavelength
28 REDMONSTER      Contiguous region of bad chi^2 in sky residuals
                   (with threshhold of relative chi^2 > 3)

Which mask bits are important? The conditions that are considered very bad are already used to set the errors to infinity for the effected pixels (specifically, the inverse variance is set to zero). The most useful mask bit to look at is BRIGHTSKY, which indicates when the sky is so bright relative to the object that perhaps one shouldn't trust any of the object flux there. Our reported errors are meant to include sky-subtraction errors, but there are instances (particularly around 5577) where these errors may be untrustworthy.

The dispersion per pixel and the sky flux are computed at each pixel by re-weighting the individual spectra at each pixel according to their formal errors. This re-weighting is only approximate.

Note that the sky lines are slightly shifted in the reductions because we transform the velocities to the barycenter of the solar system. Each exposure that contributes to the co-added spectra will have slightly different barycenter correction, so the "average sky" contains a superposition of these slightly-offset sky lines. These shifts keep the object spectra as-measured at the barycenter, regardless of the time of year or the Earth's rotation relative to the spectroscopic targets.

Primary HDU

Contains the flux density of each spectrum in units of 10^-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang. The length of the spectra (NAXIS1) can vary, depending on the pixel binning and wavelength coverage. The number of spectra (NAXIS2) is always 640.

SIMPLE  =                    T / FIT STANDARD                                   
BITPIX  =                  -32 / FITS BITS/PIXEL                                
NAXIS   =                    2 / NUMBER OF AXES                                 
NAXIS1  =                 3856 / WIDTH (TOTAL!)                                 
NAXIS2  =                  640 / HEIGHT (TOTAL!)                                
EXTEND  =                    T /                                                
TAI     =        4593557832.61 / 1st row - Number of seconds since Nov 17 1858  
RA      =            187.46463 / 1st row - Right ascension of telescope boresigh
DEC     =            12.487701 / 1st row - Declination of telescope boresight (d
EQUINOX =              2000.00 /                                                
RADECSYS= 'FK5     '           /                                                
AZ      =        300.020823333 / 1st row - Azimuth  (encoder) of tele (0=N?) (de
ALT     =        56.0378723333 / 1st row - Altitude (encoder) of tele        (de
AIRMASS =              1.15830 /                                                
FOCUS   =            60.000000 / 1st row - Focus piston (microns?)              
DATE-OBS= '2004-06-10'         / 1st row - TAI date                             
TAIHMS  = '04:01:06.29'        / 1st row - TAI time (HH:MM:SS.SS) (TAI-UT = appr
TIMESYS = 'tai     '           / TAI, not UTC                                   
TAI-BEG =        4593555888.00 / Exposure Start Time                            
TAI-END =        4593558651.00 / Exposure End Time                              
MJD     =                53166 / MJD of observation                             
MJDLIST = '53166   '           /                                                
VERSION = 'v3_138_0'           / version of IOP                                 
CAMVER  = 'SPEC1 v4_8'         / Camera code version                            
OBSERVER= 'jcb     '                                                            
OBSCOMM = 'science '                                                            
TELESCOP= 'SDSS 2.5-M'         / Sloan Digital Sky Survey                       
NEXP    =                   12 / Number of exposures in this file               
BESTEXP =                27097 /                                                
EXPID01 = 'b1-00027096-00027094-00027095' / ID string for exposure 1            
EXPID02 = 'b1-00027097-00027094-00027095' / ID string for exposure 2            
EXPID03 = 'b1-00027098-00027094-00027095' / ID string for exposure 3            
EXPID04 = 'b2-00027096-00027094-00027095' / ID string for exposure 4            
EXPID05 = 'b2-00027097-00027094-00027095' / ID string for exposure 5            
EXPID06 = 'b2-00027098-00027094-00027095' / ID string for exposure 6            
EXPID07 = 'r1-00027096-00027094-00027095' / ID string for exposure 7            
EXPID08 = 'r1-00027097-00027094-00027095' / ID string for exposure 8            
EXPID09 = 'r1-00027098-00027094-00027095' / ID string for exposure 9            
EXPID10 = 'r2-00027096-00027094-00027095' / ID string for exposure 10           
EXPID11 = 'r2-00027097-00027094-00027095' / ID string for exposure 11           
EXPID12 = 'r2-00027098-00027094-00027095' / ID string for exposure 12           
NEXP_B1 =                    3 / b1 camera number of exposures                  
NEXP_B2 =                    3 / b2 camera number of exposures                  
NEXP_R1 =                    3 / r1 camera number of exposures                  
NEXP_R2 =                    3 / r2 camera number of exposures                  
EXPT_B1 =              2400.30 / b1 camera exposure time (seconds)              
EXPT_B2 =              2400.30 / b2 camera exposure time (seconds)              
EXPT_R1 =              2400.30 / r1 camera exposure time (seconds)              
EXPT_R2 =              2400.30 / r2 camera exposure time (seconds)              
EXPTIME =              2400.30 / Minimum of exposure times for all cameras      
SPCOADD = 'Sun Apr 29 13:56:29 2007' / SPCOADD finished                         
FLAVOR  = 'science '           / Flavor of this sequence (e.g., dome f          
QUALITY = 'excellent'          / night/image quality                            
RADEG   = 1.87464100000000E+02 / Right Ascension. (degrees)                     
DECDEG  = 1.24877500000000E+01 / Declination. (degrees)                         
PLATEID =                 1615 / Plate Id                                       
TILEID  =                 1140 / Tile Id                                        
CARTID  =                    5 /Cartridge used in this plugging                 
REDDEN  = '0.0796 0.0586 0.0425 0.0322 0.0228' / Median reddening vector for pla
MAPID   =              5316001 / Map Id                                         
NAME    = '1615-53160-01'      / Name of target; PlateId-MJD-Mapper Re          
NGUIDE  =              27.0000 / Number of guider frames during exposure        
SEEING20=              1.22667 / 20% seeing during exposure (arcsec)            
SEEING50=              1.32667 / 50% seeing during exposure (arcsec)            
SEEING80=              1.47667 / 80% seeing during exposure (arcsec)            
RMSOFF20=       0.132410666667 / 20% RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec)        
RMSOFF50=       0.250306333333 / 50% RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec)        
RMSOFF80=       0.378881333333 / 80% RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec)        
COLBIN  =                    1 / Binning factor perpendicular to the c          
ROWBIN  =                    1 / Binning factor perpendicular to the r          
PROGRAM = 'binning 1   1 '     / Identifying name for CCD program               
SECFOCUS= 6.00000000000000E+01 / Secondary Mirror Position as reported          
GUIDEIMG= '/data/spectro/guider/gimg0208.fits' / Last archived guider image     
WTIME   =        1086840891.67 / weatherData(timeStamp)                         
AIRTEMP =        14.6333333333 / weatherData(airtemp)                           
DEWPOINT=       -6.43333333333 / weatherData(dewpoint)                          
DEWDEP  =        21.0666666667 / weatherData(dewpointDep)                       
DUSTA   =       -9999.00000000 / weatherData(dusta)                             
DUSTB   =        1326.66666667 / weatherData(dustb)                             
DUSTC   =        14545.3333333 / weatherData(dustc)                             
DUSTD   =        1068.33333333 / weatherData(dustd)                             
GUSTD   = 2.78100000000000E+02 / weatherData(gustd)                             
GUSTS   =        22.0333333333 / weatherData(gusts)                             
HUMIDITY=        22.7000000000 / weatherData(humidity)                          
HUMIDOUT=        22.0000000000 / weatherData(humidout)                          
PRESSURE=        21.4900000000 / weatherData(pressure)                          
WINDD   =        268.933333333 / weatherData(windd)                             
WINDS   =        14.6000000000 / weatherData(winds)                             
TEMP01  =       -93.3600000000 / CCD 01 Temperature                             
TEMP02  =       -93.4900000000 / CCD 02 Temperature                             
TEMP03  =       -92.3200000000 / CCD 03 Temperature                             
TEMP04  =       -92.5800000000 / CCD 04 Temperature                             
AUTHOR  = 'Scott Burles & David Schlegel' /                                     
VERSIDL = '6.3     '           / Version of IDL                                 
VERSUTIL= 'v5_2_0  '           / Version of idlutils                            
VERSREAD= 'v5_3_3  '           / Version of idlspec2d for pre-processing raw dat
VERS2D  = 'v5_3_3  '           / Version of idlspec2d for 2D reduction          
VERSCOMB= 'v5_3_2  '           / Version of idlspec2d for combining multiple spe
VERSLOG = 'fermi-CVS 04/29/07' / Version of SPECLOG product                     
VERSFLAT= 'v1_7    '           / Version of SPECFLAT product                    
OPBC    = 'opBC-51813.par'     /                                                
OPCONFIG= 'opConfig-50000.par' /                                                
OPECALIB= 'opECalib-51577.par' /                                                
XSIGMA  =       0.954296739300 /                                                
XSIGMIN =       0.931442000000 /                                                
XSIGMAX =        1.01137995720 /                                                
WSIGMA  =       0.897743760824 /                                                
WSIGMIN =       0.850736000000 /                                                
WSIGMAX =        1.00960004330 /                                                
PLUGFILE= 'plPlugMapM-1615-53160-01.par' /                                      
LAMPLIST= 'lamphgcdne.dat'     /                                                
SKYLIST = 'skylines.dat'       /                                                
HELIO_RV=        27.9144043066 / Heliocentric correction (added to velocities)  
VACUUM  =                    T / Wavelengths are in vacuum                      
SFLATTEN=                    T / Superflat has been applied                     
PSFSKY  =                    3 / Order of PSF skysubtraction                    
SKYCHI2 =        1.13077654335 / Mean chi^2 of sky-subtraction                  
SCHI2MIN=        1.03063195647 /                                                
SCHI2MAX=        1.23022636571 /                                                
PREJECT =             0.200000 / Profile area rejection threshold               
SPEC1_G =              18.2088 /(S/N)^2 for spec  1 at mag 20.20                
SPEC1_R =              20.4968 /(S/N)^2 for spec  1 at mag 20.25                
SPEC1_I =              17.8236 /(S/N)^2 for spec  1 at mag 19.90                
SPEC2_G =              18.0836 /(S/N)^2 for spec  2 at mag 20.20                
SPEC2_R =              16.9525 /(S/N)^2 for spec  2 at mag 20.25                
SPEC2_I =              15.7482 /(S/N)^2 for spec  2 at mag 19.90                
NSTD    =                   16 / Number of (good) std stars                     
GOFFSTD =           -0.0647583 / Spectrophoto offset for std stars in G-band    
GRMSSTD =            0.0488723 / Spectrophoto RMS for std stars in G-band       
ROFFSTD =           -0.0422068 / Spectrophoto offset for std stars in R-band    
RRMSSTD =            0.0385001 / Spectrophoto RMS for std stars in R-band       
IOFFSTD =           -0.0537424 / Spectrophoto offset for std stars in I-band    
IRMSSTD =            0.0358539 / Spectrophoto RMS for std stars in I-band       
GROFFSTD=           -0.0159950 / Spectrophoto offset for std stars in (GR)      
GRRMSSTD=            0.0492487 / Spectrophoto RMS for std stars in (GR)         
RIOFFSTD=          -0.00345993 / Spectrophoto offset for std stars in (RI)      
RIRMSSTD=            0.0257763 / Spectrophoto RMS for std stars in (RI)         
NGAL    =                  449 / Number of (good) main galaxies                 
GOFFGAL =           0.00695229 / Spectrophoto offset for main galaxies in G-band
GRMSGAL =            0.0514427 / Spectrophoto RMS for main galaxies in G-band   
ROFFGAL =           0.00336075 / Spectrophoto offset for main galaxies in R-band
RRMSGAL =            0.0504721 / Spectrophoto RMS for main galaxies in R-band   
IOFFGAL =           0.00660992 / Spectrophoto offset for main galaxies in I-band
IRMSGAL =            0.0561837 / Spectrophoto RMS for main galaxies in I-band   
GROFFGAL=          0.000831604 / Spectrophoto offset for main galaxies in (GR)  
GRRMSGAL=            0.0390498 / Spectrophoto RMS for main galaxies in (GR)     
RIOFFGAL=          -0.00204182 / Spectrophoto offset for main galaxies in (RI)  
RIRMSGAL=            0.0255867 / Spectrophoto RMS for main galaxies in (RI)     
LOWREJ  =                    5 / Extraction: low rejection                      
HIGHREJ =                    8 / Extraction: high rejection                     
SCATPOLY=                    0 / Extraction: Order of scattered light polynomial
PROFTYPE=                    3 / Extraction profile: 1=Gaussian                 
NFITPOLY=                    1 / Extraction: Number of parameters in each profil
XCHI2   =              1.19279 / Extraction: Mean chi^2                         
XCHI2MIN=              1.05698 /                                                
XCHI2MAX=              1.34297 /                                                
NWORDER =                    2 / Linear-log10 coefficients                      
WFITTYPE= 'LOG-LINEAR'         / Linear-log10 dispersion                        
COEFF0  =        3.57930000000 / Central wavelength (log10) of first pixel      
COEFF1  =    0.000100000000000 / Log10 dispersion per pixel                     
UNAME   = ''   /                                                
FBADPIX =            0.0290671 / Fraction of bad pixels                         
FBADPIX1=            0.0292774 / Fraction of bad pixels on spectro-1            
FBADPIX2=            0.0288568 / Fraction of bad pixels on spectro-2            
WAT0_001= 'system=linear'      /                                                
WAT1_001= 'wtype=linear label=Wavelength units=Angstroms' /                     
CRVAL1  =        3.57930000000 / Central wavelength (log10) of first pixel      
CD1_1   =    0.000100000000000 / Log10 dispersion per pixel                     
CRPIX1  =                    1 / Starting pixel (1-indexed)                     
CTYPE1  = 'LINEAR  '           /                                                
DC-FLAG =                    1 / Log-linear flag                                
BUNIT   = '1E-17 erg/cm^2/s/Ang' /                                              


Contains the estimated inverse variance (i.e., the inverse of the square of the estimated error) of the flux density of each spectrum, in units of (10^-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang)^-2. It is set to zero (i.e., infinite error) for pixels with flags indicating that the data are unreliable.

XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           / IMAGE extension                                
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                 3856 /                                                
NAXIS2  =                  640 /                                                
PCOUNT  =                    0 / No Group Parameters                            
GCOUNT  =                    1 / One Data Group                                 
WAT0_001= 'system=linear'      /                                                
WAT1_001= 'wtype=linear label=Wavelength units=Angstroms' /                     
CRVAL1  =        3.57930000000 / Central wavelength (log10) of first pixel      
CD1_1   =    0.000100000000000 / Log10 dispersion per pixel                     
CRPIX1  =                    1 / Starting pixel (1-indexed)                     
CTYPE1  = 'LINEAR  '           /                                                
DC-FLAG =                    1 / Log-linear flag                                
BUNIT   = '1/(1E-17 erg/cm^2/s/Ang)^2' /                                        


Contains the 'AND' mask, setting bits in the combined spectra if they are set in each of the 3 or more individual exposures making up the observation.

XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           / IMAGE extension                                
BITPIX  =                   32 / Number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                 3856 /                                                
NAXIS2  =                  640 /                                                
PCOUNT  =                    0 / No Group Parameters                            
GCOUNT  =                    1 / One Data Group                                 
WAT0_001= 'system=linear'      /                                                
WAT1_001= 'wtype=linear label=Wavelength units=Angstroms' /                     
CRVAL1  =        3.57930000000 / Central wavelength (log10) of first pixel      
CD1_1   =    0.000100000000000 / Log10 dispersion per pixel                     
CRPIX1  =                    1 / Starting pixel (1-indexed)                     
CTYPE1  = 'LINEAR  '           /                                                
DC-FLAG =                    1 / Log-linear flag                                


Contains the 'OR' mask, setting bits in the combined spectra if they are set in any of the 3 or more individual exposures making up the observation.

XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           / IMAGE extension                                
BITPIX  =                   32 / Number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                 3856 /                                                
NAXIS2  =                  640 /                                                
PCOUNT  =                    0 / No Group Parameters                            
GCOUNT  =                    1 / One Data Group                                 
WAT0_001= 'system=linear'      /                                                
WAT1_001= 'wtype=linear label=Wavelength units=Angstroms' /                     
CRVAL1  =        3.57930000000 / Central wavelength (log10) of first pixel      
CD1_1   =    0.000100000000000 / Log10 dispersion per pixel                     
CRPIX1  =                    1 / Starting pixel (1-indexed)                     
CTYPE1  = 'LINEAR  '           /                                                
DC-FLAG =                    1 / Log-linear flag                                

HDU4: Dispersion

Contains the RMS resolution at each pixel in units of pixels. To get the FWHM resolution, multiply the pixel values by sqrt(8*ln(2)) ∼ 2.35. Since the spectra are binned with constant logarithmic dispersion, the pixel size is fixed in velocity space at 69 km/s = ln(10) * c * 0.0001, where 0.0001 is the log10 dispersion per pixel (stored in the header field CD1_1). To convert to resolution in wavelength units, multiply by the local pixel size in wavelength units, which is ln(10) * lambda * 0.0001 where lambda is the wavelength of the pixel and 0.0001 is again the log10 dispersion.

XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           / IMAGE extension                                
BITPIX  =                  -32 / Number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / Number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                 3856 /                                                
NAXIS2  =                  640 /                                                
PCOUNT  =                    0 / No Group Parameters                            
GCOUNT  =                    1 / One Data Group                                 
WAT0_001= 'system=linear'      /                                                
WAT1_001= 'wtype=linear label=Wavelength units=Angstroms' /                     
CRVAL1  =        3.57930000000 / Central wavelength (log10) of first pixel      
CD1_1   =    0.000100000000000 / Log10 dispersion per pixel                     
CRPIX1  =                    1 / Starting pixel (1-indexed)                     
CTYPE1  = 'LINEAR  '           /                                                
DC-FLAG =                    1 / Log-linear flag                                
BUNIT   = 'pixels  '           /cm^2/s/Ang)^2' /                                


Contains the entries from the plPlugMapM file used for the Spectro-2D reduction. There are always 640 rows (one per object). Note that there are two arrays 'tsobjid' and 'tsobj_mag' tacked onto the end of each element of this table which contain the tsObj (from calibrated photo) id and fiber mags used in the spectrophotometry calculations for this object.

XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           /Binary table written by MWRFITS v1.4a           
BITPIX  =                    8 /Required value                                  
NAXIS   =                    2 /Required value                                  
NAXIS1  =                  178 /Number of bytes per row                         
NAXIS2  =                  640 /Number of rows                                  
PCOUNT  =                    0 /Normally 0 (no varying arrays)                  
GCOUNT  =                    1 /Required value                                  
TFIELDS =                   21 /Number of columns in table                      
COMMENT  *** End of mandatory fields ***                                        
COMMENT  *** Column names ***                                                   
TTYPE1  = 'OBJID   '           /                                                
TTYPE2  = 'HOLETYPE '          /                                                
TTYPE3  = 'RA      '           /                                                
TTYPE4  = 'DEC     '           /                                                
TTYPE5  = 'MAG     '           /                                                
TTYPE6  = 'STARL   '           /                                                
TTYPE7  = 'EXPL    '           /                                                
TTYPE8  = 'DEVAUCL '           /                                                
TTYPE9  = 'OBJTYPE '           /                                                
TTYPE10 = 'XFOCAL  '           /                                                
TTYPE11 = 'YFOCAL  '           /                                                
TTYPE12 = 'SPECTROGRAPHID '    /                                                
TTYPE13 = 'FIBERID '           /                                                
TTYPE14 = 'THROUGHPUT '        /                                                
TTYPE15 = 'PRIMTARGET '        /                                                
TTYPE16 = 'SECTARGET '         /                                                
TTYPE17 = 'OFFSETID '          /                                                
TTYPE18 = 'SCI_EXPTIME '       /                                                
TTYPE19 = 'CALIBFLUX '         /                                                
TTYPE20 = 'CALIBFLUX_IVAR '    /                                                
TTYPE21 = 'SFD_EBV '           /                                                
COMMENT  *** Column formats ***                                                 
TFORM1  = '5J      '           /                                                
TFORM2  = '6A      '           /                                                
TFORM3  = 'D       '           /                                                
TFORM4  = 'D       '           /                                                
TFORM5  = '5E      '           /                                                
TFORM6  = 'E       '           /                                                
TFORM7  = 'E       '           /                                                
TFORM8  = 'E       '           /                                                
TFORM9  = '16A     '           /                                                
TFORM10 = 'D       '           /                                                
TFORM11 = 'D       '           /                                                
TFORM12 = 'J       '           /                                                
TFORM13 = 'J       '           /                                                
TFORM14 = 'J       '           /                                                
TFORM15 = 'J       '           /                                                
TFORM16 = 'J       '           /                                                
TFORM17 = 'J       '           /                                                
TFORM18 = 'E       '           /                                                
TFORM19 = '5E      '           /                                                
TFORM20 = '5E      '           /                                                
TFORM21 = 'E       '           /                                                


The sky spectrum subtracted from each fiber, in units of 10^-17 erg/sec/cm^2/A. Note that the sky lines are slightly shifted in the reductions because we transform the velocities to the barycenter of the solar system. Each exposure that contributes to the co-added spectra will have slightly different barycenter correction, so the "average sky" contains a superposition of these slightly-offset sky lines. These shifts keep the object spectra as-measured at the barycenter, regardless of the time of year or the Earth's rotation relative to the spectroscopic targets.

XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           /Image Extension created by MWRFITS v1.4a        
BITPIX  =                  -32 /                                                
NAXIS   =                    2 /                                                
NAXIS1  =                 3856 /                                                
NAXIS2  =                  640 /                                                
PCOUNT  =                    0 /                                                
GCOUNT  =                    1 /                                                


Broad-band magnitudes synthesized from the spectra. These values are here for testing purposes only, and should be considered "unofficial"; better is to use the synthesized magnitudes available in the spZbest files (output of the specBS pipeline).

XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           /Image Extension created by MWRFITS v1.4a        
BITPIX  =                  -32 /                                                
NAXIS   =                    2 /                                                
NAXIS1  =                    5 /                                                
NAXIS2  =                  640 /                                                
PCOUNT  =                    0 /                                                
GCOUNT  =                    1 /                                                


Median signal-to-noise ratio per pixel for each fiber in the g, r, and i regions. These values are here for testing purposes only, and should be considered "unofficial".

XTENSION= 'IMAGE   '           /Image Extension created by MWRFITS v1.4a        
BITPIX  =                  -32 /                                                
NAXIS   =                    2 /                                                
NAXIS1  =                    3 /                                                
NAXIS2  =                  640 /                                                
PCOUNT  =                    0 /                                                
GCOUNT  =                    1 /