This file contains the emission-line fits from specBS. A best-fit stellar absorption-line template has been subtracted.
Column | Description |
PLATE | Plate number |
MJD | Modified Julian date of observation |
FIBERID | Fiber ID (1 to 640) |
LINENAME | Line name |
LINEWAVE | Catalog wavelength for this line in vacuum Angstroms |
LINEZ | Redshift |
LINEZ_ERR | Redshift error (negative for invalid fit) |
LINESIGMA | Gaussian width in km/sec |
LINESIGMA_ERR | Error in gaussian width (negative for invalid fit) |
LINEAREA | Area in gaussian fit where units are (flux-units) * Ang |
LINEAREA_ERR | Flux error (negative for invalid fit) |
LINEEW | Equivalent width (Angstroms) |
LINEEW_ERR | Equivalent width error (negative for invalid fit) |
LINECONTLEVEL | Continuum level at line center |
LINECONTLEVEL_ERR | Error in continuum level at line center |
LINENPIX | Number of good pixels within +/- 3 sigma of the line center |
LINEDOF | Degrees of freedom in fit, approximated as LINENPIX minus the number of terms fit for that line, which can be fractional if one parameter if fixed betwen several lines |
LINECHI2 | χ2 for all points within +/- 3 sigma of the line center (negative if no such points) |
The following lines are fit. Lines with the same ZINDEX are constrained to have the same redshift. Lines with the same WINDEX are constrained to have the same gaussian width. The flux ratios of [O_III] and [N_II] are are constrained to be 1:3.
1215.67 | Ly_alpha | z_lya | w_ly_a | |
1240.81 | N_V 1240 | zemission | w_n_v | |
1549.48 | C_IV 1549 | zemission | wemission | |
1640.42 | He_II 1640 | zemission | wemission | |
1908.734 | C_III] 1908 | zemission | wemission | |
2799.49 | Mg_II 2799 | zemission | wemission | |
3725.94 | [O_II] 3725 | zemission | wemission | |
3727.24 | [O_II] 3727 | zemission | wemission | |
4101.734 | H_delta | zemission | w_balmer | |
4340.464 | H_gamma | zemission | wemission | |
4363.209 | [O_III] 4363 | zemission | wemission | |
4861.325 | H_beta | zemission | w_balmer | |
4958.911 | [O_III] 4959 | zemission | wemission | |
5006.843 | [O_III] 5007 | zemission | wemission | 3 * ([O_III] 4959) |
6300.304 | [O_I] 6300 | zemission | wemission | |
6363.776 | [O_I] 6363 | zemission | wemission | |
6548.05 | [N_II] 6548 | zemission | wemission | |
6562.801 | H_alpha | zemission | w_balmer | |
6583.45 | [N_II] 6583 | zemission | wemission | 3 * ([N_II] 6548) |
6716.44 | [S_II] 6716 | zemission | wemission | |
6730.82 | [S_II] 6730 | zemission | wemission |
SIMPLE = T / FIT STANDARD BITPIX = 16 / FITS BITS/PIXEL NAXIS = 0 / NUMBER OF AXES EXTEND = T / TAI = 4482194319.54 / 1st row - Number of seconds since Nov 17 1858 RA = 28.656976 / 1st row - Right ascension of telescope boresigh DEC = 13.804520 / 1st row - Declination of telescope boresight (d EQUINOX = 2000.00 / RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / AZ = 306.432220000 / 1st row - Azimuth (encoder) of tele (0=N?) (de ALT = 61.3134576667 / 1st row - Altitude (encoder) of tele (de AIRMASS = 1.10307 / FOCUS = -999999999999.999999 / 1st row - Focus piston (microns?) DATE-OBS= '2000-11-29' / 1st row - TAI date TAIHMS = '05:40:17.51' / 1st row - TAI time (HH:MM:SS.SS) (TAI-UT = appr TIMESYS = 'tai ' / TAI, not UTC TAI-BEG = 4482192260.00 / Exposure Start Time TAI-END = 4482195390.00 / Exposure End Time MJD = 51877 / MJD of observation MJDLIST = '51877 ' / VERSION = 'v3_19_1 ' / version of IOP CAMVER = 'SPEC2 v4_5' / Camera code version OBSERVER= 'harvanek' OBSCOMM = 'science ' TELESCOP= 'SDSS 2.5-M' / Sloan Digital Sky Survey NEXP = 12 / Number of exposures in this file BESTEXP = 7251 / EXPID01 = 'b1-00007250-00007254-00007255' / ID string for exposure 1 EXPID02 = 'b1-00007251-00007254-00007255' / ID string for exposure 2 EXPID03 = 'b1-00007252-00007254-00007255' / ID string for exposure 3 EXPID04 = 'b2-00007250-00007254-00007255' / ID string for exposure 4 EXPID05 = 'b2-00007251-00007254-00007255' / ID string for exposure 5 EXPID06 = 'b2-00007252-00007254-00007255' / ID string for exposure 6 EXPID07 = 'r1-00007250-00007254-00007255' / ID string for exposure 7 EXPID08 = 'r1-00007251-00007254-00007255' / ID string for exposure 8 EXPID09 = 'r1-00007252-00007254-00007255' / ID string for exposure 9 EXPID10 = 'r2-00007250-00007254-00007255' / ID string for exposure 10 EXPID11 = 'r2-00007251-00007254-00007255' / ID string for exposure 11 EXPID12 = 'r2-00007252-00007254-00007255' / ID string for exposure 12 NEXP_B1 = 3 / b1 camera number of exposures NEXP_B2 = 3 / b2 camera number of exposures NEXP_R1 = 3 / r1 camera number of exposures NEXP_R2 = 3 / r2 camera number of exposures EXPT_B1 = 2700.00 / b1 camera exposure time (seconds) EXPT_B2 = 2700.00 / b2 camera exposure time (seconds) EXPT_R1 = 2700.00 / r1 camera exposure time (seconds) EXPT_R2 = 2700.00 / r2 camera exposure time (seconds) EXPTIME = 2700.00 / Minimum of exposure times for all cameras SPCOADD = 'Fri May 11 07:26:36 2007' / SPCOADD finished FLAVOR = 'science ' / Flavor of this sequence (e.g., dome flat, etc.) QUALITY = 'excellent' / night/image quality RADEG = 2.86571000000000E+01 / Right Ascension. (degrees) DECDEG = 1.38045200000000E+01 / Declination. (degrees) PLATEID = 430 / Plate Id TILEID = 208 / Tile Id CARTID = 5 /Cartridge used in this plugging MAPID = 5187701 / Map Id NAME = '0430-51877-01' / Name of target; PlateId-MJD-Mapper ReRun NGUIDE = 21.0000 / Number of guider frames during exposure SEEING20= 2.08333 / 20% seeing during exposure (arcsec) SEEING50= 2.20333 / 50% seeing during exposure (arcsec) SEEING80= 2.36333 / 80% seeing during exposure (arcsec) RMSOFF20= 0.128227666667 / 20% RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec) RMSOFF50= 0.251879666667 / 50% RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec) RMSOFF80= 0.442921666667 / 80% RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec) COLBIN = 1 / Binning factor perpendicular to the columns ROWBIN = 1 / Binning factor perpendicular to the rows PROGRAM = 'binning 1 1 ' / Identifying name for CCD program SECFOCUS= -1.3000000000000E+02 / Secondary Mirror Position as reported by TCC GUIDEIMG= '/data/spectro/guider/gimg0756.fits' / Last archived guider image WTIME = 975476788.000 / weatherData(timeStamp) AIRTEMP = 5.30000000000 / weatherData(airtemp) DEWPOINT= -8.20000000000 / weatherData(dewpoint) DEWDEP = 13.5000000000 / weatherData(dewpointDep) DUSTA = 5254.00000000 / weatherData(dusta) DUSTB = 135.666666667 / weatherData(dustb) DUSTC = 6086.33333333 / weatherData(dustc) DUSTD = 155.000000000 / weatherData(dustd) GUSTD = 7.95000000000000E+01 / weatherData(gustd) GUSTS = 11.7000000000 / weatherData(gusts) HUMIDITY= 37.0666666667 / weatherData(humidity) HUMIDOUT= 36.3333333333 / weatherData(humidout) PRESSURE= 21.5700000000 / weatherData(pressure) WINDD = 87.0666666667 / weatherData(windd) WINDS = 8.83333333333 / weatherData(winds) TEMP01 = -94.1400000000 / CCD 01 Temperature TEMP02 = -92.9700000000 / CCD 02 Temperature TEMP03 = -92.5800000000 / CCD 03 Temperature TEMP04 = -93.4900000000 / CCD 04 Temperature AUTHOR = 'Scott Burles & David Schlegel' / VERSIDL = '6.3 ' / Version of IDL VERSUTIL= 'v5_2_0 ' / Version of idlutils VERSREAD= 'v5_3_3 ' / Version of idlspec2d for pre-processing raw dat VERS2D = 'v5_3_3 ' / Version of idlspec2d for 2D reduction VERSCOMB= 'v5_3_2 ' / Version of idlspec2d for combining multiple spe VERS1D = 'v5_3_2 ' / Version of idlspec2d for 1D reduction VERSLINE= 'v5_3_2 ' /Version of idlspec2d for line fitting VERSLOG = 'fermi-CVS 05/11/07' / Version of SPECLOG product VERSFLAT= 'v1_7 ' / Version of SPECFLAT product OPBC = 'opBC-51813.par' / OPCONFIG= 'opConfig-50000.par' / OPECALIB= 'opECalib-51577.par' / XSIGMA = 0.938221750000 / XSIGMIN = 0.904645000000 / XSIGMAX = 0.997335000000 / WSIGMA = 0.890092998379 / WSIGMIN = 0.845413000000 / WSIGMAX = 1.00929999352 / PLUGFILE= 'plPlugMapM-0430-51877-01.par' / LAMPLIST= 'lamphgcdne.dat' / SKYLIST = 'skylines.dat' / HELIO_RV= 18.0336065943 / Heliocentric correction (added to velocities) VACUUM = T / Wavelengths are in vacuum SFLATTEN= T / Superflat has been applied PSFSKY = 3 / Order of PSF skysubtraction SKYCHI2 = 1.08416902433 / Mean chi^2 of sky-subtraction SCHI2MIN= 1.05534681302 / SCHI2MAX= 1.17834241969 / PREJECT = 0.200000 / Profile area rejection threshold SPEC1_G = 17.7522 /(S/N)^2 for spec 1 at mag 20.20 SPEC1_R = 18.6219 /(S/N)^2 for spec 1 at mag 20.25 SPEC1_I = 17.6288 /(S/N)^2 for spec 1 at mag 19.90 SPEC2_G = 16.2644 /(S/N)^2 for spec 2 at mag 20.20 SPEC2_R = 15.6690 /(S/N)^2 for spec 2 at mag 20.25 SPEC2_I = 13.8085 /(S/N)^2 for spec 2 at mag 19.90 NSTD = 16 / Number of (good) std stars GOFFSTD = -0.0162220 / Spectrophoto offset for std stars in G-band GRMSSTD = 0.0757010 / Spectrophoto RMS for std stars in G-band ROFFSTD = -0.0105619 / Spectrophoto offset for std stars in R-band RRMSSTD = 0.0487866 / Spectrophoto RMS for std stars in R-band IOFFSTD = -0.0130701 / Spectrophoto offset for std stars in I-band IRMSSTD = 0.0493715 / Spectrophoto RMS for std stars in I-band GROFFSTD= -0.0187340 / Spectrophoto offset for std stars in (GR) GRRMSSTD= 0.0497939 / Spectrophoto RMS for std stars in (GR) RIOFFSTD= 0.0102034 / Spectrophoto offset for std stars in (RI) RIRMSSTD= 0.0328852 / Spectrophoto RMS for std stars in (RI) NGAL = 417 / Number of (good) main galaxies GOFFGAL = 0.00672913 / Spectrophoto offset for main galaxies in G-band GRMSGAL = 0.0455279 / Spectrophoto RMS for main galaxies in G-band ROFFGAL = 0.00734711 / Spectrophoto offset for main galaxies in R-band RRMSGAL = 0.0433952 / Spectrophoto RMS for main galaxies in R-band IOFFGAL = 0.00634956 / Spectrophoto offset for main galaxies in I-band IRMSGAL = 0.0454840 / Spectrophoto RMS for main galaxies in I-band GROFFGAL= 0.00297165 / Spectrophoto offset for main galaxies in (GR) GRRMSGAL= 0.0415170 / Spectrophoto RMS for main galaxies in (GR) RIOFFGAL= -0.00133705 / Spectrophoto offset for main galaxies in (RI) RIRMSGAL= 0.0243410 / Spectrophoto RMS for main galaxies in (RI) LOWREJ = 5 / Extraction: low rejection HIGHREJ = 8 / Extraction: high rejection SCATPOLY= 0 / Extraction: Order of scattered light polynomial PROFTYPE= 3 / Extraction profile: 1=Gaussian NFITPOLY= 1 / Extraction: Number of parameters in each profil XCHI2 = 1.20192 / Extraction: Mean chi^2 XCHI2MIN= 1.12970 / XCHI2MAX= 1.28281 / NWORDER = 2 / Linear-log10 coefficients WFITTYPE= 'LOG-LINEAR' / Linear-log10 dispersion COEFF0 = 3.58000000000 / Central wavelength (log10) of first pixel COEFF1 = 0.000100000000000 / Log10 dispersion per pixel UNAME = '' / FBADPIX = 0.0114787 / Fraction of bad pixels FBADPIX1= 0.00687047 / Fraction of bad pixels on spectro-1 FBADPIX2= 0.0160869 / Fraction of bad pixels on spectro-2 WAT0_001= 'system=linear' / WAT1_001= 'wtype=linear label=Wavelength units=Angstroms' / CRVAL1 = 3.58000000000 / Central wavelength (log10) of first pixel CD1_1 = 0.000100000000000 / Log10 dispersion per pixel CRPIX1 = 1 / Starting pixel (1-indexed) CTYPE1 = 'LINEAR ' / DC-FLAG = 1 / Log-linear flag BUNIT = '1E-17 erg/cm^2/s/Ang' / DIMS0 = 29 / Number of emission lines DIMS1 = 640 / Number of objects
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' /Binary table written by MWRFITS v1.4a BITPIX = 8 /Required value NAXIS = 2 /Required value NAXIS1 = 89 /Number of bytes per row NAXIS2 = 18560 /Number of rows PCOUNT = 0 /Normally 0 (no varying arrays) GCOUNT = 1 /Required value TFIELDS = 19 /Number of columns in table COMMENT COMMENT *** End of mandatory fields *** COMMENT COMMENT *** Column names *** COMMENT TTYPE1 = 'PLATE ' / TTYPE2 = 'MJD ' / TTYPE3 = 'FIBERID ' / TTYPE4 = 'LINENAME ' / TTYPE5 = 'LINEWAVE ' / TTYPE6 = 'LINEZ ' / TTYPE7 = 'LINEZ_ERR ' / TTYPE8 = 'LINESIGMA ' / TTYPE9 = 'LINESIGMA_ERR ' / TTYPE10 = 'LINEAREA ' / TTYPE11 = 'LINEAREA_ERR ' / TTYPE12 = 'LINEEW ' / TTYPE13 = 'LINEEW_ERR ' / TTYPE14 = 'LINECONTLEVEL ' / TTYPE15 = 'LINECONTLEVEL_ERR ' / TTYPE16 = 'LINENPIXLEFT ' / TTYPE17 = 'LINENPIXRIGHT ' / TTYPE18 = 'LINEDOF ' / TTYPE19 = 'LINECHI2 ' / COMMENT COMMENT *** Column formats *** COMMENT TFORM1 = 'J ' / TFORM2 = 'J ' / TFORM3 = 'J ' / TFORM4 = '13A ' / TFORM5 = 'D ' / TFORM6 = 'E ' / TFORM7 = 'E ' / TFORM8 = 'E ' / TFORM9 = 'E ' / TFORM10 = 'E ' / TFORM11 = 'E ' / TFORM12 = 'E ' / TFORM13 = 'E ' / TFORM14 = 'E ' / TFORM15 = 'E ' / TFORM16 = 'J ' / TFORM17 = 'J ' / TFORM18 = 'E ' / TFORM19 = 'E ' /
Best-fit absorption-line spectrum, with line fits added in. For testing purposes only.
XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' /Image Extension created by MWRFITS v1.4a BITPIX = -32 / NAXIS = 2 / NAXIS1 = 3863 / NAXIS2 = 640 / PCOUNT = 0 / GCOUNT = 1 /