Name:, where rrrrrr is the imaging run number, c is the camera column (1-6), v is the rerun number, and ffff is the field number for the first field in the file.
Produced by: opdb
Used by: sx
Archived? Yes, by sx.
SIMPLE = T BITPIX = 8 NAXIS = 0 EXTEND = T RUN = XXX / Imaging run number [unitless] CAMCOL = XXX / Column in the imaging camera [unitless] RERUN = XXX / Rerun number [unitless] FIELD0 = XXX / First field in this file [unitless] NFIELDS = XXX / Number of fields in this file [unitless] STRIPE = XXX / Stripe number [unitless] STRIP = 'X ' / N - north, S - south [unitless] EQUINOX = XXXX.XXXXXX / Equinox of great circle scanned [Julian years] NODE = XXX.XXXXXX / Ascending node of great circle scanned [degrees] INCL = XXX.XXXXXX / Inclincation of great circle scanned [degrees] C_OBS = XXXXX.XXX / CCD clock rate [usec/unbinned-row] TRACKING= XXXXX.XXX / Tracking rate [arcsec/TAI-sec] PHOTO_ID= 'XXX ' / Photometric pipeline run id. TASTR_ID= 'XXX ' / Astrometric pipeline run id for target. EASTR_ID= 'XXX ' / Astrometric pipeline run id for export. TFCAL_ID= 'XXX ' / Photometric calibration run id for target. EFCAL_ID= 'XXX ' / Photometric calibration run id for export. PHOT_VER= 'XXX ' / Version of frames pipeline used. TAST_VER= 'XXX ' / Version of astrometric pipeline for target. EAST_VER= 'XXX ' / Version of astrometric pipeline for export. TFCA_VER= 'XXX ' / Version of fcalib for target. EFCA_VER= 'XXX ' / Version of fcalib for export. TARG_VER= 'XXX ' / Version of target pipeline used. EXPO_VER= 'XXX ' / Version of export pipeline used. FILTERS = 'XXX XXX ...' / Filter order in array fields DSCALE = XXX / Scaling for bias drift [lbias and rbias] END
AR_DQ_BAD = 1, /* Not acceptable for the survey */ AR_DQ_ACCEPTABLE = 2, /* Acceptable for the survey, but we'd better data */ AR_DQ_GOOD = 3, /* Fully acceptable --- no desire for better data */ AR_DQ_MISSING = 4, /* No objects in this field, because data is missing, * but we accept the field into the survey as a hole * in the survey */ AR_DQ_HOLE = 5, /* Data in this field is not acceptable, but we will * accept the field into the survey as a hole in the * survey, meaning none of the objects in the field * are part of the survey */The "status" fields record the status of the PSF fit for that field in that filter, and can take the following meanings:
AR_PSF_STATUS_UNKNOWN = -1, /* ??? */ AR_PSF_STATUS_OK = 0, /* PSF fitted by 2nd order parabolas */ AR_PSF_STATUS_PSF22 = 1, /* PSF fitted by linear functions */ AR_PSF_STATUS_PSF11 = 2, /* PSF fitted by a constant */ AR_PSF_STATUS_NOPSF = 3, /* PSF fit from previous frame used*/ AR_PSF_STATUS_ABORTED = 4, /* ??? */ AR_PSF_STATUS_MISSING = 5 /* ??? */"psp_status" is the maximum value of "status" over all 5 filters. The culled field is a bit mask with the same bit values as the primTarget field in the tsObj file. If a bit is set, then all targets of that target type were culled during target selection, and thus this field is excluded from that science sample.
The badMask, acceptableMask, goodMask, and holeMask fields are bit masks indicating which quality categories were set to those qualities. The quality categories (the bits) are:
AR_FQ_SEEING = 0x1, AR_FQ_TRACKING = 0x2, AR_FQ_PSF = 0x4, AR_FQ_PHOTOMETRY = 0x8, AR_FQ_PHOTO_DROPOUT = 0x10, AR_FQ_ODD_EVEN_DROPOUT = 0x20, AR_FQ_SKY_U = 0x40, AR_FQ_SKY_G = 0x80, AR_FQ_SKY_R = 0x100, AR_FQ_SKY_I = 0x200, AR_FQ_SKY_Z = 0x400, AR_FQ_AMP_U0 = 0x800, AR_FQ_AMP_U1 = 0x1000, AR_FQ_AMP_G0 = 0x2000, AR_FQ_AMP_G1 = 0x4000, AR_FQ_AMP_R0 = 0x8000, AR_FQ_AMP_R1 = 0x10000, AR_FQ_AMP_I0 = 0x20000, AR_FQ_AMP_I1 = 0x40000, AR_FQ_AMP_Z0 = 0x80000, AR_FQ_AMP_Z1 = 0x100000, AR_FQ_MANUAL = 0x200000Here's the table format.
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' BITPIX = 8 NAXIS = 2 NAXIS1 = 3004 NAXIS2 = XXX PCOUNT = 0 GCOUNT = 1 TFIELDS = 98 TFORM1 = '1J ' TTYPE1 = 'field ' / Field sequence number within the run. TUNIT1 = 'unitless' TFORM2 = '1J ' TTYPE2 = 'quality ' / Data quality TUNIT2 = 'unitless' COMMENT astrometric transformation COMMENT mu nu are defined as: COMMENT r'-i' < riCut: COMMENT rowm =row+dRow0+dRow1*col+dRow2*(col^2)+dRow3*(col^3)+csRow*colour COMMENT colm =col+dCol0+dCol1*col+dCol2*(col^2)+dCol3*(col^3)+csCol*colour COMMENT Which colour to use depends on the filter as follows: COMMENT u: u-g g: g-r r,i,z: r-i COMMENT r'-i' >= riCut COMMENT rowm = row+dRow0+dRow1*col+dRow2*(col^2)+dRow3*(col^3)+ccRow COMMENT colm = col+dCol0+dCol1*col+dCol2*(col^2)+dCol3*(col^3)+ccCol COMMENT mu = a + b * rowm + c * colm COMMENT nu = d + e * rowm + f * colm TFORM3 = '5D ' TTYPE3 = 'a ' / A. TUNIT3 = 'degrees' TFORM4 = '5D ' TTYPE4 = 'b ' / B. TUNIT4 = 'degrees/pixel' TFORM5 = '5D ' TTYPE5 = 'c ' / C. TUNIT5 = 'degrees/pixel' TFORM6 = '5D ' TTYPE6 = 'd ' / D. TUNIT6 = 'degrees' TFORM7 = '5D ' TTYPE7 = 'e ' / E. TUNIT7 = 'degrees/pixel' TFORM8 = '5D ' TTYPE8 = 'f ' / F. TUNIT8 = 'degrees/pixel' TFORM9 = '5D ' TTYPE9 = 'dRow0 ' / Zero-order row distortion coefficient TUNIT9 = 'unitless' TFORM10 = '5D ' TTYPE10 = 'dRow1 ' / First-order row distortion coefficient TUNIT10 = 'unitless' TFORM11 = '5D ' TTYPE11 = 'dRow2 ' / Second-order row distortion coefficient TUNIT11 = 'unitless' TFORM12 = '5D ' TTYPE12 = 'dRow3 ' / Third-order row distortion coefficient TUNIT12 = 'unitless' TFORM13 = '5D ' TTYPE13 = 'dCol0 ' / Zero-order column distortion coefficient TUNIT13 = 'unitless' TFORM14 = '5D ' TTYPE14 = 'dCol1 ' / First-order column distortion coefficient TUNIT14 = 'unitless' TFORM15 = '5D ' TTYPE15 = 'dCol2 ' / Second-order column distortion coefficient TUNIT15 = 'unitless' TFORM16 = '5D ' TTYPE16 = 'dCol3 ' / Third-order column distortion coefficient TUNIT16 = 'unitless' TFORM17 = '5D ' TTYPE17 = 'csRow ' / Slope in row DCR correction for blue objects TUNIT17 = 'unitless' TFORM18 = '5D ' TTYPE18 = 'csCol ' / Slope in column DCR correction for blue objects TUNIT18 = 'unitless' TFORM19 = '5D ' TTYPE19 = 'ccRow ' / Constant row DCR correction for red objects TUNIT19 = 'unitless' TFORM20 = '5D ' TTYPE20 = 'ccCol ' / Constant column DCR correction for red objects TUNIT20 = 'unitless' TFORM21 = '5D ' TTYPE21 = 'riCut ' / r'-i' cutoff between blue and red objects TUNIT21 = 'unitless' TFORM22 = '5D ' TTYPE22 = 'mjd ' / MJD(TAI) when row 0 was read TUNIT22 = 'MJD(TAI)' TFORM23 = '5D ' TTYPE23 = 'airmass ' / Airmass for star at frame center (mid exposure) TUNIT23 = 'unitless' TFORM24 = '5D ' TTYPE24 = 'muErr ' / Error in mu in calibration TUNIT24 = 'arcsec ' TFORM25 = '5D ' TTYPE25 = 'nuErr ' / Error in nu in calibration TUNIT25 = 'arcsec ' COMMENT photometric transformation TFORM26 = '1J ' TTYPE26 = 'seqId ' / Sequence id overlapping this field (-1=none) TUNIT26 = 'unitless' TFORM27 = '5J ' TTYPE27 = 'numStars' / Number of matching secondary stars in field TUNIT27 = 'unitless' TFORM28 = '5E ' TTYPE28 = 'aa ' / Zero-point TUNIT28 = 'mag ' TFORM29 = '5E ' TTYPE29 = 'aaErr ' / Zero-point error TUNIT29 = 'mag ' TFORM30 = '5E ' TTYPE30 = 'bb ' / Color term TUNIT30 = 'mag ' TFORM31 = '5E ' TTYPE31 = 'bbErr ' / Color term error TUNIT31 = 'mag ' TFORM32 = '5E ' TTYPE32 = 'cc ' / Color x extinction term TUNIT32 = 'mag ' TFORM33 = '5E ' TTYPE33 = 'ccErr ' / Color x extinction term error TUNIT33 = 'mag ' TFORM34 = '5E ' TTYPE34 = 'kk ' / Extinction coefficient TUNIT34 = 'mag ' TFORM35 = '5E ' TTYPE35 = 'kkErr ' / Extinction coefficient error TUNIT35 = 'mag ' COMMENT info from the fpFieldStat file TFORM36 = '1J ' TTYPE36 = 'frames_status' / Frames processing status TUNIT36 = 'unitless' TFORM37 = '5E ' TTYPE37 = 'rowOffset' / Offset to add to transformed row coordinates TUNIT37 = 'pixels ' TFORM38 = '5E ' TTYPE38 = 'colOffset' / Offset to add to transformed column coordinates TUNIT38 = 'pixels ' TFORM39 = '1J ' TTYPE39 = 'nObjects' / Number of objects detected TUNIT39 = 'unitless' TFORM40 = '1J ' TTYPE40 = 'nChild ' / Number of children in the field TUNIT40 = 'unitless' TFORM41 = '1J ' TTYPE41 = 'nStars ' / Number of objects classified as stars TUNIT41 = 'unitless' TFORM42 = '1J ' TTYPE42 = 'nGals ' / Number of objects classified as galaxies TUNIT42 = 'unitless' TFORM43 = '5J ' TTYPE43 = 'saturation_level' / Saturation level TUNIT43 = 'unitless' TFORM44 = '5E ' TTYPE44 = 'neff_psf' / Effective area of the point spread function TUNIT44 = 'pixels ' TFORM45 = '5E ' TTYPE45 = 'sky_psp ' / Sky from the point spread function TUNIT45 = 'asinh mag/arcsec^2' TFORM46 = '5E ' TTYPE46 = 'sky_frames' / Global sky value in the corrected frame TUNIT46 = 'asinh mag/arcsec^2' TFORM47 = '5E ' TTYPE47 = 'sky_frames_sub' / Global sky value after object subtraction TUNIT47 = 'asinh mag/arcsec^2' TFORM48 = '5E ' TTYPE48 = 'sigPix ' / Clipped sigma of pixel values in corrected frame TUNIT48 = 'asinh mag/arcsec^2' TFORM49 = '5E ' TTYPE49 = 'deV_ap_correction' / De Vaucouleurs aperture correction TUNIT49 = 'mag' TFORM50 = '5E ' TTYPE50 = 'deV_ap_correctionErr' / De Vaucouleurs aperture correction error TUNIT50 = 'mag' TFORM51 = '5E ' TTYPE51 = 'exp_ap_correction' / Exponential aperture correction TUNIT51 = 'mag' TFORM52 = '5E ' TTYPE52 = 'exp_ap_correctionErr' / Exponential aperture correction error TUNIT52 = 'mag' TFORM53 = '5E ' TTYPE53 = 'deV_model_ap_correction' / De Vaucouleurs model aperture correction TUNIT53 = 'mag' TFORM54 = '5E ' TTYPE54 = 'deV_model_ap_correctionErr' / De Vaucouleurs model aperture correction error TUNIT54 = 'mag' TFORM55 = '5E ' TTYPE55 = 'exp_model_ap_correction' / Exponential model aperture correction TUNIT55 = 'mag' TFORM56 = '5E ' TTYPE56 = 'exp_model_ap_correctionErr' / Exponential model aperture correction error TUNIT56 = 'mag' TFORM57 = '5J ' TTYPE57 = 'nCR ' / Number of cosmic rays detected on the frame TUNIT57 = 'unitless' TFORM58 = '5J ' TTYPE58 = 'nBrightObj' / Number of bright objects detected TUNIT58 = 'unitless' TFORM59 = '5J ' TTYPE59 = 'nFaintObj' / Number of faint objects detected TUNIT59 = 'unitless' TFORM60 = '5E ' TTYPE60 = 'median_fiberColor' / Median fiber colors of objects TUNIT60 = 'mag' TFORM61 = '5E ' TTYPE61 = 'median_psfColor' / Median PSF colors of objects TUNIT61 = 'mag' TFORM62 = '5E ' TTYPE62 = 'q ' / Mean Stokes Q parameter on the frame TUNIT62 = 'unitless' TFORM63 = '5E ' TTYPE63 = 'u ' / Mean Stokes U parameter on the frame TUNIT63 = 'unitless' COMMENT PSP field info TFORM64 = '1J ' TTYPE64 = 'psp_status' / Maximum value of "status" over all five filters TUNIT64 = 'unitless' TFORM65 = '5J ' TTYPE65 = 'status ' / Type of PSF fit for each filter in the field TUNIT65 = 'unitless' TFORM66 = '5E ' TTYPE66 = 'sky ' / The average sky value in the frame TUNIT66 = 'asinh mag/arcsec^2' TFORM67 = '5E ' TTYPE67 = 'skySig ' / Sigma of distribution of sky values TUNIT67 = 'asinh mag/arcsec^2' TFORM68 = '5E ' TTYPE68 = 'skyErr ' / The error of average sky value in the frame TUNIT68 = 'asinh mag/arcsec^2' TFORM69 = '5E ' TTYPE69 = 'skySlope' / The slope in the sky value along the columns TUNIT69 = 'asinh mag/arcsec^2/field' TFORM70 = '5E ' TTYPE70 = 'lbias ' / Left-hand bias level TUNIT70 = 'ADU x DSCALE' TFORM71 = '5E ' TTYPE71 = 'rbias ' / Right-hand bias level TUNIT71 = 'ADU x DSCALE' TFORM72 = '5J ' TTYPE72 = 'psf_nstar' / Number of stars used in psf measurement TUNIT72 = 'unitless' TFORM73 = '5E ' TTYPE73 = 'psf_ap_correctionErr' / Photometric error due to imperfect PSF model TUNIT73 = 'mag ' TFORM74 = '5E ' TTYPE74 = 'psf_sigma1' / Inner gaussian sigma for the composite fit. TUNIT74 = 'arcsec ' TFORM75 = '5E ' TTYPE75 = 'psf_sigma2' / Outer gaussian sigma for the composite fit TUNIT75 = 'arcsec ' TFORM76 = '5E ' TTYPE76 = 'psf_b ' / Ratio of the inner PSF to the outer PSF at the origin TUNIT76 = 'unitless' TFORM77 = '5E ' TTYPE77 = 'psf_p0 ' / The value of the power law at the origin TUNIT77 = 'unitless' TFORM78 = '5E ' TTYPE78 = 'psf_beta' / Slope of power law TUNIT78 = 'unitless' TFORM79 = '5E ' TTYPE79 = 'psf_sigmap' / Width parameter for power law TUNIT79 = 'unitless' TFORM80 = '5E ' TTYPE80 = 'psf_width' / Effective PSF width in 2-Gaussian fit TUNIT80 = 'arcsec ' TFORM81 = '5E ' TTYPE81 = 'psf_psfCounts' / Flux via fit to the PSF TUNIT81 = 'counts ' TFORM82 = '5E ' TTYPE82 = 'psf_sigma1_2G' / PSF inner sigma in 2-Gaussian fit TUNIT82 = 'pixels ' TFORM83 = '5E ' TTYPE83 = 'psf_sigma2_2G' / PSF outer sigma in 2-Gaussian fit TUNIT83 = 'pixels ' TFORM84 = '5E ' TTYPE84 = 'psf_b_2G' / Ratio of gaussian 2 to gaussian 1 at origin TFORM85 = '5E ' TTYPE85 = 'psfCounts' / PSF counts TUNIT85 = 'unitless' TFORM86 = '5J ' TTYPE86 = 'prof_nprof' / Number of profile bins in PSF model TUNIT86 = 'unitless' TFORM87 = '75E ' TTYPE87 = 'prof_mean' / Mean PSF profile TUNIT87 = 'unitless' TDIM87 = '(15,5) ' TFORM88 = '75E ' TTYPE88 = 'prof_med' / Median PSF profile TUNIT88 = 'unitless' TDIM88 = '(15,5) ' TFORM89 = '75E ' TTYPE89 = 'prof_sig' / PSF profile sigma TUNIT89 = 'unitless' TDIM89 = '(15,5) ' TFORM90 = '5E ' TTYPE90 = 'gain ' / Gain averaged over all amplifiers TUNIT90 = 'electrons/DN' TFORM91 = '5E ' TTYPE91 = 'dark_variance' / Dark variance TUNIT91 = 'unitless' TFORM92 = '1E ' TTYPE92 = 'scanlineArea' / Area of scanline covered by the field TUNIT92 = 'deg^2' TFORM93 = '1E ' TTYPE93 = 'stripeArea' / Area of stripe covered by the field TUNIT93 = 'deg^2' TFORM94 = '1J ' TTYPE94 = 'culled ' / Culling bit mask TUNIT94 = 'unitless' TFORM95 = '1J ' TTYPE95 = 'badMask ' / Quality categories with bad quality TUNIT95 = 'unitless' TFORM96 = '1J ' TTYPE96 = 'acceptableMask ' / Quality categories with acceptable quality TUNIT96 = 'unitless' TFORM97 = '1J ' TTYPE97 = 'goodMask' / Quality categories with good quality TUNIT97 = 'unitless' TFORM98 = '1J ' TTYPE98 = 'holeMask' / Quality categories with hole quality TUNIT98 = 'unitless' END