SEGUE data


As part of SDSS-II, SEGUE utilized the 2.5 meter SDSS telescope on Apache Point in New Mexico to obtain ugriz imaging data at moderate to low Galactic latitude (|b| < 35 degrees) and spectroscopy of selected stellar targets over the wavelength range 3,800 Å ~ 9,200 Å.

SEGUE ultimately acquired:

  • Over 3,200 square degrees of new imaging data
  • Spectra of 240,000 stars
The large statistical sample of stars and volume of the galaxy probed by SEGUE will be unmatched by any other survey for at least a decade.

Accessing the Data

  • Getting Started – a guide to working with SEGUE data, including sample SQL queries.
  • SkyServer – public access to SEGUE and SDSS-I and -II data via the Catalog Archive Server (CAS).
  • CAS – CAS access for astronomers.
  • DAS – the Data Archive Server (DAS) contains FITS format files of SDSS and SEGUE data.

Survey Strategy and Algorithms

Survey Status

SEGUE began taking data in August of 2004, and completed its targeted data set in 2008. The SDSS DR7 data release was the final release.


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