Sky images observed by the SDSS telescope
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Unless otherwise noted, images should be credited to the Sloan
Digital Sky Survey.
First light image
[ 100 dpi JPG (159.6 KB), 300 dpi JPG
(1.1 MB), 300 dpi PNG (1.6 MB), 300 dpi TIFF (7.1 MB) ]
A small section of the first-light image obtained by the Sloan
Digital Sky Survey on the night of May 27-28, 1998. The overall image is
over 5,000 times larger than this small piece of the constellation
Serpens. The photo was assembled from digital scans taken through
separate filters. (The individual colors provide valuable information
for identifying the objects.) It also shows stars in our own galaxy (the
brighter ones are recognizable by the cross pattern), a half-dozen
distant galaxies near enough to show morphological features like disks
and rings, and many fainter and farther galaxies, distinguished from
stars by their slightly fuzzy appearance.
NGC 6070
[ 100 dpi GIF (952.1 KB), 100 dpi JPG
(143.1 KB) ]
The large bright galaxy, called NGC 6070, lies in the
constellation of Serpens. It is receding from the Earth with a velocity
of about 2000 kilometers per second and is at a distance of over 100
million light years. The blue light in the galaxy comes from recently
formed hot stars; the yellowish light comes from cooler, older stars.
Several other galaxies are also visible. The point-like images are stars
in our own Milky Way Galaxy.
Palomar 5
[ 120 dpi GIF (843.8 KB), 200 dpi PNG
(4.2 MB), 200 dpi TIFF (4.9 MB) ]
This is the globular cluster Palomar 5, which is a cluster of stars orbiting the Milky Way at a distance of 210 thousand light years. Most of the fainter
stars in the picture belong the to cluster; the brighter stars are foreground stars elsewhere in the Milky Way.
[ 175 dpi GIF (915.5
KB), 175 dpi JPG
(731.7 KB) ]
This is a mosaic of a region of the sky 2.5 degrees on a side. Two separate sweeps of the sky were made on successive nights with the 2.5-meter telescope
and its mosaic camera. The 6 columns of CCDs in the camera collect data from 6 scanlines on the sky separated by small gaps. By off-setting the telescope a small
amount between the two runs, the scanlines from the two runs can be interleaved to form a seamless map of a complete section of the sky. While this image
may look small and unimpressive, consider that the width of the first light image is about the
same as the width of one of those 12 vertical strips. This image is also available as a clickable,
zoom-in map.
(Image credit: Stephen Kent/SDSS Collaboration)
Redshift 5.0 quasar
[ 75 dpi JPG (173.8
KB), 75 dpi PNG
(670.4 KB), 75 dpi
TIFF (802.0 KB) ]
The arrow in this image points out the record-breaking redshift
5.0 quasar discovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. That faint red
dot of light represents an object that is actually a hundred times as
luminous as a typical galaxy. Sky Survey astronomers identified this
object as a possible high-redshift quasar on the basis of its
exceptionally red color compared to ordinary stars and galaxies. Followup
spectroscopy with the ARC 3.5-meter telescope confirmed that this
unassuming speck was indeed the most distant quasar known to
Redshift 4.9
[ 120 dpi JPG (564.3
KB), 120 dpi PNG
(2.1 MB), 120 dpi
TIFF (2.5 MB) ]
This newly-discovered redshift 4.9 quasar was "only" the runner-up
to the title of most distant quasar ever found (the previous non-SDSS
title holder was announced in 1991). However, it demonstrates the
excellent performance of the Sky Survey's data analysis pipelines. These
automated algorithms can accurately distinguish the light of the faint
quasar from the foreground galaxy that can be seen only five arcseconds
Redshift 4.75
[ 135 dpi JPG (617.9
KB), 135 dpi PNG
(2.4 MB), 135 dpi
TIFF (2.9 MB) ]
While this redshift 4.75 quasar may not be the most distant quasar
known, it was first among its high-redshift brethren to be identified by
Sloan Digital Sky Survey researchers. This photometric image from
September can't reveal the most remarkable feature of the quasar, namely
that the Lyman-alpha and Carbon-IV spectral emission peaks are unusually
narrow compared to an average quasar.
Spiral galaxy NGC
1087 (6.7 arcmin x 4.8 arcmin)
[ 100 dpi JPG (64.2
KB), 100 dpi PNG
(1.1 MB), 100 dpi
TIFF (1.3 MB) ]
The spiral galaxy NGC 1087 is found in the constellation Cetus,
and has a recession velocity of about 1520 kilometers per second. This
galaxy's most notable physical feature is a short rotating bar-like
structure of bright stars straddling the galactic center. Although it
has a comparatively low surface brightness, the galaxy shone just a bit
more brilliantly in August 1995 when one of its massive stars exploded
into a Type II supernova.
M78 nebula (12.0
arcmin x 8.8 arcmin)
[ 175 dpi JPG (316.0
KB), 175 dpi PNG
(4.6 MB), 175 dpi
TIFF (5.7 MB) ]
NGC 2068 (also known as M78) is a reflection nebula in the Orion
constellation. Hot young stars in the nebula's center illuminate and (to
a much lesser extent) ionize the surrounding gas. Further out, dark
clouds of dust prevent much of the scattered light from reaching us,
creating a complex pattern of light and shadow. This star-forming region
is only about 100,000 years old.
Spiral galaxy UGC
03214 (12.3 arcmin x 8.8 arcmin)
[ 175 dpi JPG (379.9
KB), 175 dpi PNG
(4.4 MB), 175 dpi
TIFF (6.0 MB) ]
The constellation of Orion is home to the edge-on spiral galaxy
UGC 03214, which is receding from us at the rate of 4840 kilometers per
second (about one-sixtieth the speed of light). The brilliant central
bulge stands in stark contrast to the light-absorbing bands of dust
clouds in the disk. When interpreting observations, astronomers often
need to account for the obscuring and reddening effects of similar dust
clouds in our own galaxy.
Redshift 5.74
[ 200 dpi GIF (1.9
MB), 200 dpi PNG
(4.5 MB), 200 dpi
TIFF (8.9 MB) ]
The arrow in this image points a record-shattering redshift of
5.74. SDSS astronomers identified this faint speck of light as a possible
quasar based on its distinctive red color. A spectrum of this object,
obtained with the 10-meter Keck telescope in Hawaii, showed that this was
indeed a quasar with a most impressive redshift. (Image
credit: Stephen Kent, SDSS Collaboration)
Redshift 6.4 quasar
[ 72 dpi GIF (63.4
KB) ]
The red dot in this picture is the most distant quasar ever
discovered (at least as of October 2003). The redshift 6.4 quasar is seen
at a time when the universe was just 800 million years old. The
light-travel time from this object to us is about 13 billion years.
M51: The Whirlpool Galaxy
[ PDF (1.4 MB) ]
This 23-panel figure starts with a
true-color (g,r,i) figure showing the region of sky imaged by the Sloan
Digital Sky Survey as of Summer 2004, centered on the north galactic cap.
Subsequent panels zoom into M51 (also known as the Whirlpool galaxy, or
NGC 5194,5195) in the constellation Canes Venatici. This galaxy, at a
distance of roughly 40 million lights years, is a favorite target of
amateur astronomers, and was the first galaxy in which spiral structure
was recognized (by William Parsons, Third Earl of Rosse, in 1850). The
zoom finishes on NGC 5195, which is being tidally disrupted by its larger
companion. Figure courtesy of Mike Blanton, Doug Finkbeiner, David Hogg,
David Schlegel, and Nicholas Wherry.