
Press Releases from Other Sources Using SDSS Data
SDSS Press Releases
(February 27, 2012)
Colors of Quasars Reveal a Dusty Universe
(February 26, 2009)
See you again in 22,000 years: Astronomers find an unusual new denizen of the Solar System
(August 18, 2008)
Cosmic voids were emptied by gravity
(August 17, 2008)
New Milky Way map reveals a complicated outer galaxy
(August 16, 2008)
A giant astronomical survey completes its mission: A new mission begins
(August 15, 2008)
Astronomers map the metals in millions of Milky Way stars
(May 29, 2008)
New measurements reveal slimmer Milky Way
(May 27, 2008)
Dark energy, the Milky Way galaxy and giant planets: Sloan Digital Sky Survey continues
(January 10, 2008)
SDSS reveals hidden population of powerful black holes
(January 9, 2008)
The Milky Way has a double halo
(December 12, 2007)
Road map of the sky now comes with pictures
(August 29, 2007)
The Galaxy Zoo welcomes a flood of visitors
(August 8, 2007)
SDSS-II releases 10 terabytes of data to the public
(June 28, 2007)
Distant quasars live in massive dark matter halos
(February 9, 2007)
Search continues for SDSS contributor Jim Gray
(February 1, 2007)
Sloan and the seven make that eight dwarfs
(January 9, 2007)
Gravity helps SDSS-II reveal a brilliant jewel of the early universe
(November 7, 2006)
How big is big? Probing the conditions of the universe on the largest scales
(May 15, 2006)
New Milky Way companions found: SDSS-II first to view two dim dwarf galaxies
(May 8, 2006)
Multiple galaxy mergers continue in the Milky Way
(May 8, 2006)
SDSS-II Supernova Survey explodes with new findings
(January 12, 2006)
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey turns its eye on the galaxy
(January 11, 2006)
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey reveals a new Milky Way neighbor
(January 9, 2006)
A New Survey SDSS-II will map the Universe, the Milky Way and dark energy
(July 11, 2005)
SDSS uses 200,000 quasars to confirm Einstein's prediction of cosmic magnification
(April 26, 2005)
Gunn honored by AAS and Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
(January 27, 2005)
The Cosmic Yardstick Sloan Digital Sky Survey astronomers measure role of dark matter, dark energy and gravity in the distribution of galaxies
(January 11, 2005)
A New Galaxy Atlas Sloan Digital Sky Survey findings comprise new compendium of galaxy families
(January 11, 2005)
Sloan Digital Sky Survey finds mysterious new Milky Way Companion:
A building block of the Milky Way
(October 20, 2004)
Cosmic Clumping:
Sloan Digital Sky Survey measurements of gas between the galaxies bolsters the case for inflation and dark energy, and improves the case limiting neutrino mass
(July 19, 2004)
Andromeda 9 The faintest galaxy ever
Sloan Digital Sky Survey discovers the lowest luminosity galaxy yet: Andromeda IX, a new satellite of M31
(May 31, 2004)
Sloan Digital Sky Survey releases six terabytes of data to public
(March 15, 2004)
Sloan Digital Sky Survey astronomers find wealth of new exotic star pairs
(January 6, 2004)
Could galactic find be Andromeda's food? Sloan Digital Sky Survey reveals giant clump of stars near the Andromeda galaxy
(January 5, 2004)
Visual "mirages" probe distribution of dark matter
(December 17, 2003)
3D Map of universe bolsters case for dark energy and dark matter
(October 28, 2003)
New Metal-poor Galaxies: The youngest in the universe?
(August 18, 2003)
Dark Energy's Shadow: Sloan Digital Sky Survey detects physical evidence for dark energy
(July 19, 2003)
Link between black holes and galaxies discovered in our own backyard
(July 14, 2003)
SDSS Founder Bahcall honored with the Dan David Prize and the Franklin Medal in Physics
(June 25, 2003)
Citing "profound influence on astronomy" Gunn receives first Joseph Weber Award from AAS
(June 25, 2003)
Baldwin remembered at Apace Point Observatory
(June 25, 2003)
Kron named to succeed Peoples as SDSS director
(June 23, 2003)
Sloan Digital Sky Survey probes dark matter theory
(May 21, 2003)
Three distant quasars found at edge of universe
(January 9, 2003)
Distant ring of stars found circling the Milky Way
(January 6, 2003)
Gunn wins first Weber Award from American Astronomical Society
(June 27, 2002)
Sky Survey unveils star cluster shredded by the Milky Way
(June 3, 2002)
Researchers say new star structures found in the Milky Way alter galactic model
(Jan 9, 2002)
Afterglows the Hard Way: Fermilab scientists find the glow without the burst a first
(Nov 8, 2001)
Sky Survey lowers estimate of asteroid impact risk
(Nov 7, 2001)
First Light: Astronomers use distant quasar to probe cosmic 'Dark Age,' universe origins
(Aug 3, 2001)
Early results from the Sloan
Digital Sky Survey: From under our nose to the edge of the universe
(June 5, 2001)
Sloan Digital Sky Survey finds most
distant object ever observed
(April 13, 2000)
Happy, Sleepy, Grumpy... Methane?
Sloan Digital Sky Survey scientists discover new celestial dwarfs
(May 31, 1999)
Scientists of Sloan Digital Sky
Survey discover most distant quasar
(December 8, 1998)
Historic new sky survey achieves
first light
(June 8, 1998)
Last piece for advanced new
telescope heads for the mountain
(February 11, 1998)
Sponsors, participating institutions, and acknowledging SDSS in publications
SDSS Policy for Press Releases