
Steve Kent (Fermilab) and Jill Knapp (Princeton)
January 29, 1998
The following document is an edited version of two parts of "Data Processing
Requirements for SDSS Offline Software", written by Steve Kent (January
9 1995; sdss-sac #52). The first part is the introduction, containing
the overall requirements for the entire offline data processing system,
and the second is the section dealing with the photometric pipeline. This
section has been updated to take into account two changes. First,
we no longer expect to process any data taken by the Fermilab Drift Scan
Camera on the 3.5 m telescope, and second, the postage stamp extraction
is now done by a new pipeline, the serial stamp collecting pipeline, instead
of by the DA system.
Photo now consists of three pipelines:
The SSC, which cuts and orders the five color data to make the frames,
and cuts several sets of postage stamps: 65x65 pixel stamps at the positions
of stars found in the astrometric chips, 200x200 pixel stamps at the positions
of stars brighter than 14m to measure the wings (one star per frame), and
every 30 frames or so, extracts an entire frame with a very bright star
to measure the image ghosts. Since SSC is basically a bookkeeping
task, there are no requirements per se on this pipeline.
The PSP, which processes the quartile data from the DA and the postage
stamp data from SSC and produces the run of sky, flat and PSF data for
an entire run.
Frames, which processes the data frame by frame, finds and measures
objects and writes a series of output files and images.
Apart from these changes and fixing the occasional typo, no changes
have been made to the requirements as presented in the Jan 1995 document,
though some outputs have been added to Photo and we could fill in quite
a few of the TBDs; the goal is to compare these requirements with Photo's
current performance.
The entire software document is included at the end for reference.
[All data processing requirements are subject to instrumental and astronomical
[All level 1 software will be tested using simulated data and, if available,
test data from existing telescopes and instrumentation. All level
2 software will be tested using 2.5 m data]
The data processing software shall perform the following:
1. Maintain a survey strategy system to
a. Define survey layout and all input catalogs needed
for data processing
b. Track survey progress
c. Monitor quality of processed data and accept or reject
2. Process data tapes from photometric and astrometric imager cameras
(excepting focus CCD's) and monitor telescope taken under photometric dark
sky conditions with FWHM 0.8" to 1.5" in North Galactic Cap region (worst
case l=0, b=30) to produce
a. Excluding 5% of sky for bright stars, derive positions,
parameters, and atlas images in 5 colors for
i) All galaxies with diam < 2' to m(r')=19 completeness at >95%,
contamination of <5%; enhanced goal of all galaxies to m(r')=21
ii) All detected objects to m(u')=21.9, m(g')=22.5, m(r')=22.5,
m(i')=22.0, m(z')=20.4, with no completeness requirement. Enhanced
goal: 0.5 mag fainter
b. Atlas images only for all objects in select catalogs
c. Corrected pixel map
d. Systematic photometric errors outside the atmosphere
of <2% rms all sky at m(r') and <2% rms in (g-r), (r-i) and <(u-g),
averaged over 1 degree patches.
Enhanced goal of 1% in magnitudes and colors.
3. Produce target lists for spectroscopy of
a. Galaxies (density 100/sq deg), prob. of redshift
b. QSO candidates (density of 15/sq deg), prob of success
c. Additional high redshift (high-z) QSO candidates of
arbitrary magnitude
d. Brightest cluster galaxies up to 1 mag fainter than
field galaxies
e. Additional galaxies and QSO candidates for QA purposes
f. Guide stars for spectroscopy
g. Reddening standards
h. Stars with some TBD criteria (treat as serendipitous
i. Other serendipitous objects
j. Blank sky
k. Spectrophotometric standards
4. Produce tiled target lists with coord for drilling machine, errors
<260 mas rms, with a turnaround time from delivery
of data at Fermilab
to delivery of drilling coord of 1 week (last 3 years
of survey only).
5. Process spectroscopic data tapes and produce
a. For all galaxies, redshifts with systematic errors
of <30 km/s rms
with success rate of 95% of maximum feasible.
b. Enhanced goal: for galaxies with S/N per angstrom greater
than 17 at
5000 A, velocity dispersions with systematic errors of 20% rms
dispersions greater than 100 km/s
c. For QSOs, redshifts and other parameters with success
rate of 95%
of maximum feasible with rms errors <1000 km/s.
d. Enhanced goal: for all spectra, relative spectrophotometry
with peak
systematic error of 10% over range 3800-9000A for objects observed
at airmass <1.4.
e. Enhanced goal: For all spectra, all emission lines,
peaks, widths,
and positions.
Photometric/postage stamp pipeline will process postage stamp files,
calibration files, and 5 color imaging data to produce object lists
and parameters.
1. One column (1 to 5 colors) of CCD data interleaved on one or more
2. Astrometric calibration with errors of no worse than 0.5" rms radius
3. MT photometric calibrations from one 27.3' square field per hour
with stars brighter u'=16.3, g'=15.4, r'=15.6, i'=15.2, z'=TBD.
4. Extinction coefficients at approximately 1 set of values per hour
5. Dark drift, quartile, and bad column calibrations
6. Positions, magnitudes, diameters, PA's, and errors for all known
globular clusters and known galaxies with diameters > 1'.
7. Positions, magnitudes, and errors for all stars brighter than V=9.
8. Positions and errors for objects in the following catalogs: IRAS
Data will be obtained with the following observing conditions:
1. Seeing: 0.8" to 1.5" FWHM
2. Photometric zero-point fluctuations in one night of < 0.1 mag
at r'
(TBD: This spec needs refinement)
3. Max star density corresponding to l=0, b=30.
4. Sky brightness of nominal dark sky (APO) plus TBD extra (faint moon).
5. Defects: Double column defects may exist anywhere in u' CCD; double
defects in outer 10% of any other imaging CCD except r';
single column
defects anywhere.
1. Excluding 5% of sky for bright stars, derive positions, parameters,
and atlas images in 5 colors for
i) All objects to 5 sigma above sky (smoothed over PSF area)
with no completeness requirement.
ii) All galaxies with diam <2' to m(r')=19 completeness of
contamination of <5%.
iii) Enhanced goal: All galaxies to 10 sigma smoothed over a
diameter, completeness of <90%, contamination
of <10%.
2. Positions for all galaxies with diam >2'
3. Enhanced goal: Atlas images for all objects in the following catalogs:
4. Produce a Corrected pixel map
5. Systematic photometric errors outside the atmosphere of
a. <2% rms all sky at m(r') and <2% rms in all colors
(3% u-g and i-z) averaged over 1 degree patches. Enhanced
of 1% in magnitudes and colors.
b. Relative stellar magnitudes, within a single frame,
to an accuracy of 1% for isolated unsaturated stars brighter than u'=19.9,
r'=20.5, i'=20.0, z'=18.4.
c. Systematic photometric error on individual galaxies
of 0.1 mag rms to m(r') = 18.0 and 0.5 mag rms for fainter
TBD: Spec on how well we can handle crowded objects
1. Postage Stamp Pipeline
a. PSF parameters, one set per frame per color
b. Sky brightness in each band
c. Photometric calibration for each frame
2. Frames Pipeline
a. Corrected frames. For each frame, a noise mask
(8 bit) and an object mask (8 bit).
b. For each frame, the correction (FF) and bias vectors
c. For objects present in a list of catalogues, Atlas
TBD: Size of each image
d. For each object:
A unique identifier
A single reference position, with errors
Offsets in each colors w.r.t. reference position, with errors
PSF magnitudes in each band, with errors.
3" aperture magnitudes in each band, with errors, smoothed
to largest canonical seeing (1.5 arcsec).
Centroid, PA of major axis, and ellipticity, derived from weighted
moments, in each band, within an isophote corresponding to 1
(TBD: per pixel?) above sky for the brightest sky (TBD: gotta
specify these numbers). Also, parameters for the best fitting
ellipse at that isophote.
Radial profile in each band in logarithmically spaced circular
annular apertures centred on the canonical position (see above). Each
aperture will have a mean, a median, and a measure of the variance.
The number of annuli measured will depend on the brightness of the
object, with the last point corresponding to TBD.
Petrosian magnitude and radius, and a suitable measure of surface
brightness for each band, for each band, inside the r' radius
corrected for seeing.
A parameter P that gives the likelihood of an object being a star,
one per band.
Morphology index in each band for all objects, with quality measure,
from radial profile fit to DeVaucouleurs law and exponential
Atlas Images in 5 colors. (TBD: What is the maximum radius?)
For all photometric quantities, additional parameters as needed
to correct for -0.3 to +0.1 mag correction in photometric zero-point
(reddening plus revised photometric calibration).
For all parameters, errors
e. `Mask objects', i.e. structures describing the regions
masked and not
searched for objects, or not searched
so deeply, for LSS
f. For each frame:
Number of stars, number of galaxies,
number of other classified objects,
number of unclassified objects (`junks'?)
per frame, using an
a priori value of P for each color.
Zero or one "blank sky" positions, with
Atlas image, plus parameters.
g. For each Big Galaxy (D>2'):
Position in 5 colors
Atlas image
h. No atlas images will be cut for deblended images; rather
will be specified either as parameter
lists or as 8-bit weight masks.
No atlas images will be cut for saturated
stars in the Bright Object
i. For each frame:
A small number of "blank sky" regions,
with atlas images, which can be used to locate sky fibers during spectroscopy.
1. Reduce 8 hours worth of data in all of the 5 filters in 16 hours
on an R4400 class cpu in 128 Mbytes or less.
2. Run pipeline on 8 hours of data without needing to be restarted.
3. Reject not more than 0.1% of frames for reasons other than the presence
of bright objects over the entire survey region.
This is the science software requirements document written by Steve
Kent, January 9 1995 The original is sdss-sac #52. In that
message, Steve had flagged changes from previous versions - these flags
have been removed for easier reading, but otherwise the document is untouched.
Markup is HTML.
[All data processing requirements are subject to instrumental and astronomical
[All level 1 software will be tested using simulated data and, if available,
test data from existing telescopes and instrumentation. All level
2 software
will be tested using 2.5 m data]
The data processing software shall perform the following:
1. Maintain a survey strategy system to
a. Define survey layout and all input catalogs needed
for data processing
b. Track survey progress
c. Monitor quality of processed data and accept or reject
2. Process data tapes from photometric and astrometric imager cameras
(excepting focus CCD's) and monitor telescope taken under
dark sky conditions with FWHM 0.8" to 1.5" in North Galactic
region (worst case l=0, b=30) to produce
a. Excluding 5% of sky for bright stars, derive positions,
and atlas images in 5 colors for
i) All galaxies with diam < 2' to m(r')=19 completeness
at of >95%,
contamination of < 5%; enhanced goal of all
galaxies to m(r')=21
ii) All detected objects to m(u')=21.9 m(g')=22.5 m(r')=22.5
m(i')=22.0 m(z')=20.4 with no completeness requirement.
goal: 0.5 mag fainter
b. Atlas images only for all objects in select catalogs
(none extant at present).
c. Corrected pixel map
d. Systematic photometric errors outside the atmosphere
of < 2% rms all
sky at m(r') and < 2% rms in (g-r), (r-i) and 3% (u-g),
(i-z) averaged
over 1 degree patches. Enhanced goal of 1% in magnitudes
and colors.
2a. Process data tapes from Drift Scan Camera and 3.5m telescope
3. Produce target lists for spectroscopy of
a. Galaxies (density of 100/sq deg), prob. of redshift
> 95%
b. QSO candidates (density of 15/sq deg), prob of success
> 65%
c. Additional high redshift (high-z) QSO candidates of
arbitrary magnitude
d. Brightest cluster galaxies up to 1 mag fainter than
field galaxies
e. Additional galaxies and QSO candidates for QA purposes
f. Guide stars for spectroscopy
g. Reddening standards
h. Stars with some TBD criteria (treat as serendipitous
i. Other serendipitous objects
j. Blank sky
k. Spectrophotometric standards
4. Produce tiled target lists with coord for drilling machine, errors
< 260 mas rms, with a turnaround time from delivery
of data at Fermilab
to delivery of drilling coord of 1 week (last 3 years
of survey only).
5. Process spectroscopic data tapes and produce
a. For all galaxies, redshifts with systematic errors
of < 30 km/s rms
with succes rate of 95% of maximum feasible.
b. Enhanced goal: for galaxies with S/N per angstrom greater
than 17 at
5000 A, velocity dispersions with systematic errors of 20% rms
dispersions greater than 100 km/s
c. For QSOs, redshifts and other parameters with success
rate of 95%
of maximum feasible with rms errors < 1000 km/s.
d. Enhanced goal: for all spectra, relative spectrophotometry
with peak
systematic error of 10% over range 3800-9000A for objects observed
at airmass < 1.4.
e. Enhanced goal: For all spectra, all emission lines,
peaks, widths,
and positions.
Photometric/postage stamp pipeline will process postage stamp files,
calibration files, and 5 color imaging data to produce object lists
and parameters.
1. One column (1 to 5 colors) of CCD data interleaved on one or more
2. NOT: Binned data from 2.5m telescope
3. Also, Drift Scan Camera 3.5m data (1 color) on one or more tapes
4. Astrometric calibration with errors of no worse than
0.5" rms radius astrometric
5. MT photometric calibrations from one 27.3' square field
per hour with stars brighter u'=16.3, g'=15.4, r'=15.6,
6. Extinction coefficients at approximately 1 set of values
per hour
7. Dark drift, quartile, and bad column calibrations
8. Up to 40 29x29 excised subframes of unsaturated bright
stars and other objects per frame per color of CCD data.
9. Positions, magnitudes, diameters, PA's, and errors for all known
globular clusters and known galaxies with diameters >
10. Positions, magnitudes, and errors for all stars brighter than V=9.
11. Positions and errors for objects in the following catalogs: IRAS
Data will be obtained with the following observing conditions:
1. Seeing: 0.8" to 1.5" FWHM
2. Photometric zero-point fluctuations in one night of < 0.1
mag at r'
(TBD: This spec needs refinement)
3. Max star density corresponding to l=0, b=30.
4. Sky brightness of nominal dark sky (APO) plus TBD extra (faint moon).
5. Defects: Double column defects may exist anywhere in u' CCD; double
defects in outer 10% of any other imaging CCD except r';
single column
defects anywhere.
1. Excluding 5% of sky for bright stars, derive positions, parameters,
and atlas images in 5 colors for
i) All objects to 5 sigma above sky (smoothed over PSF area)
with no completeness requirement.
ii) All galaxies with diam < 2' to m(r')=19 completeness
of >95%,
contamination of < 5%.
iii) Enhanced goal: All galaxies to 10 sigma smoothed over a
diameter, completeness of >90%, contamination
of < 10%.
2. Positions for all galaxies with diam > 2'
3. Enhanced goal: Atlas images for all objects in the
following catalogs: (IRAS FSC, FIRST,
4. Produce a Corrected pixel map
5. Systematic photometric errors outsize the atmosphere of"
a. < 2% rms all sky at m(r') and < 2% rms
in all colors
(3% u-g and i-z) averaged over 1 degree patches. Enhanced
of 1% in magnitudes and colors.
b. Relative stellar magnitudes, within a single frame,
to an accuracy of
1% for isolated unsaturated stars brighter than u'=19.9, g'=20.9,
r'=20.5, i'=20.0, z'=18.4.
c. Systematic photometric error on individual galaxies
of 0.1 mag rms.
to m(r') = 18.0 and 0.5 mag rms for fainter
TBD: Spec on how well we can handle crowded objects
1. Postage Stamp Pipeline
a. PSF parameters, one set per frame per color
b. Sky brightness in each band
c. Photometric calibration for each frame
2. Frames Pipeline
a. Corrected frames. For each frame, a noise mask
(8 bit) and an object
mask (8 bit).
b. For each frame, the correction (FF) and bias vectors
b. For objects present in a list of catalogues, Atlas
TBD: Size of each image
d. For each object:
A unique identifier
A single reference position, with errors
Offsets in each colors w.r.t. reference position, with errors
PSF magnitudes in each band, with errors.
3" aperture magnitudes in each band, with errors, smoothed
to largest canonical seeing (1.5 arcsec).
Centroid, PA of major axis, and ellipticity, derived from weighted
moments, in each band, within an isophote corresponding to 1
(TBD: per pixel?) above sky for the brightest sky (TBD: gotta
specify these numbers). Also, parameters for the best fitting
ellipse at that isophote.
Radial profile in each band in logarithmically spaced circular
annular apertures centred on the canonical position (see above).
aperture will have a mean, a median, and a measure of the variance.
The number of annuli measured will depend on the brightness of
object, with the last point corresponding to TBD.
Petrosian magnitude and radius, and a suitable measure of surface
brightness for each band, for each band, inside the r' radius
corrected for seeing.
A parameter P that gives the likelihood of an object being a star,
one per band.
Morphology index in each band for all objects, with quality measure,
from radial profile fit to DeVaucouleurs law and exponential
Atlas Images in 5 colors. (TBD: What is the maximum radius?)
For all photometric quantities, additional parameters as needed
to correct for -0.3 to +0.1 mag correction in photometric zero-point
(reddening plus revised photometric calibration).
For all parameters, errors
d. `Mask objects', i.e. structures describing the regions
masked and not
searched for objects, or not searched
so deeply, for LSS
e. For each frame:
Number of stars, number of galaxies,
number of other classified objects,
number of unclassified objects (`junks'?)
per frame, using an
a priori value of P for each color.
Zero or one "blank sky" positions, with
Atlas image, plus parameters.
f. For each Big Galaxy (D>2'):
Position in 5 colors
Atlas image
g. No atlas images will be cut for deblended images; rather
will be specified either as parameter
lists or as 8-bit weight masks.
No atlas images will be cut for saturated
stars in the Bright Object
1. Reduce 8 hours worth of data in all of the 5 filters in 16 hours
on an R4400 class cpu in 128 Mbytes or less.
2. Run pipeline on 8 hours of data without needing to be restarted.
3. Reject not more than 0.1% of frames for reasons other than the presence
of bright objects over the entire survey region.
Positions and magnitudes of artifial stars plus
maging data will be generated to simulate two 1-hour interleaved
strips at survey lat=long=0 degrees plus one 1-hour scanline at
l=0, b=30.
1. Positional standard stars from the Guide Star Catalog and the ACRS.
2. Realistic colors for Astrometric(/MT) standard stars
(based on Bahcall-Soneira model).
3. Actual CCD dark images with SDSS electronics (with the same exposure
real noise and gain).
4. Calculated ghost patterns (TBD: From where?)
5. Real galaxy images
1. Catalog (AKA the Mamoru/Weinberg catalog) of galaxy, star, and QSO
stars brighter than magnitude r'=25 (2 mag fainter than
survey limit
in each color), galaxies brighter than as above, QSOs
brighter than as above, star densities corresponding to
|b| > 30 degrees.
2. Photometric CCDs, 12 scanlines, each 1 hour in length, 5 colors.
3. Astrometric frame data (22 CCDs per strip)
4. Monitor telescope overlap patches (Two sets of 6 fields each at beginning
and end of above scans)
5. Monitor telescope primary standard star frames (10 stars total, each
5 colors)
1. Bad columns
2. Variable sky levels and psf, up to limits required
3. Minor planets
4. For QSO: See section below on QSO TEST DATA
5. "Airplane trails" and meteor trails
1. Headers: (need requests from pipelines).
2. Consistent observational parameters (Date&time, sec z, telescope
3. Code is distributable and documented; capable of generating "small"
volumes of simulated data
4. Enhanced goal: Convert from Mirage to Dervish
1. Actual CCD frames with
a. Cosmic rays
b. Ghosts, satellite trails, bleed trails
c. Big bright galaxies > 2', clusters of galaxies (redshift
0.03 to 0.2)
merging groups, planetaries, etc.
2. Bright star images
Ghosts, PSFs as a function of time for 3.5 telescope.
CCD response including bleed trails, CCD hysteresis and (low)
Big objects (nebulae, Galactic clusters, galaxies,
clusters of galaxies, satellites, minor planets...)
3. DSC scans of 3 x 3 degree pieces of sky at at least 2 different directions
in the survey area with different stellar densities. (Enhanced
one position at NGP, one position at l=0, b=30).
MT overlap data for
4. DSC scans of HST medium deep survey fields.
5. DSC scans of fields selected from the IRAS FSC
The spectroscopic pipeline will accept as input:
For up to 10 fields per night,
1. For each field, one or more sets of CCD frames,
each set consisting of two pairs of blue/red CCD
frames of 320 fiber spectra each, of stars, galaxies,
QSOs, sky, scattered light, and serendipitous objects
2. Flatfields
3. Bias frames
4. Calibration arc frames
5. Absolute fluxes in 5 bands in 3" aperture (from
photometric pipeline) and positions
5a. Enhanced requirement: 5 absolute fluxes per band,
including 4 sets of exposures offset by 1.5" N, S, E,
and W of the nominal target position (from photometric
6. Enhanced requirement: Four sets of exposures with
the telescope offset by 1'' N, S, E, and W of the
nominal target position
Data will be accepted under the following observing
1. Seeing 2" FWHM or better
2. Sky brightness of nominal dark sky (APO) plus moon
no brighter than V = 19th
mag/sq arcsec
3. Variable transparency
4. Defects: Single column defects
1. For all galaxy candidate spectra:
a. Measure parameters and redshifts with total rms
errors less than 30 km/s
and completeness of 95%
of all feasible.
b. For all galaxy candidate spectra with detected
flux greater than m(r')=19,
a velocity dispersion
with systematic errors less
than 75 km/s rms
and 50% completeness
c. Enhanced goal: velocity dispersion error of 10%
above 200 km/s
d. Enhanced goal: 90% completeness
2. For all QSO candidate spectra:
a. Identify QSO spectra as such with a completeness
of 95% and an error rate
of 5%.
b. Measure parameters and redshifts of QSOs with
systematic errors less than
100 kms/s rms and
a completeness of 90% (enhanced
goal 95%) of
all feasible.
3. Enhanced goal: For all object spectra, obtain a
spectrophotometric calibration
with relative
systematic errors less than
10% maximum.
3a. Enhanced goal: For all object spectra, obtain a
spectrophotometric calibration
with absolute
systematic errors less than
10% maximum.
4. Enhanced goal: For all stars, identify spectral type and radial velocity
1. Corrected 2D frames
Storage memory: 57GB
(10^6 x 2 color x [2192x2068
pix] x 2 bytes/ 320 fbrs)
2. For all object spectra, a corrected rebinned red-blue
combined 1-D spectrum with errors, photometry, wavelenght,
dispersion relation, and continuum fit (DPS says no to
continuum fit).
No covariance arrays.
Storage memory: 41GB
(10^6 x 4096 pix x 10 bytes)
3. For all galaxy candidates:
a. An absorption line redshift with r value, a peak
likelihood estimate, z and r for second highest
peak best fit template id; Enhanced goal: velocity dispersion
b. Enhanced goal: For each absorption line, wavelength,
FWHM, equivalent
width, and errors.
Storage memory: 0.5GB
4. For all galaxies and QSO candidates:
a. For each emission line, wavelength, FWHM, equivalent
width, and errors. (QSO's:
This is enhanced goal only).
b. A redshift and estimated error with total rms error
< 30 km/s for galaxies
and < 1000 km/s for QSOs,
using both QSO and galaxy
emission line lists
5. Enhanced goal: For all object spectra, a spectrophotometric
calibration in the form of polynomial coefficients giving
function going from wavelength or pixel to sensitivity
6. For each set of 4-point frames, extracted 1-D spectra.
1. Process all frames for one field in 3 hours elapsed time
without failure.
1. Input data: 320MB scratch disk
For 1 spectrograph, 1 color,
320 fibers, need 9 input
data frames, each 2192x2068
x 2bytes = 9MB:
2 He-Ne-Ar arc
lamp calibrations
1 bias (avg
of many)
1 flat field
(avg of many)
2 `nodding frames'
4 `diamond pointings'
3 data frames
9 frames x 9MB
= 81MB
(these are read
from the data tape off the mountain
to spinning
IRAF runs on these frames,
generating about 4 times
this in temporary storage:
4x81 = 324MB
2. Analysis: 70-140 RAM memory
2-D to 1-D IRAF extraction
needs 8 x 2192x2068 floating
points in memory at once
= 145MB max. If pushed, we may
be able to do this in 70MB
Test data will be generated to simulate observations of 4
spectroscopic target fields.
Spectra shall be simulated for the following types of objects:
a. Sky (10 fibers per field)
b. F subdwarf (2 fibers per field)
c. Galaxies and QSO's from Mamoru/Weinberg simulations.
d. Stars (chosen from white dwarfs (low res), M star,
K giants/dwarf, A, B F G
stars, 10 to 100 per field)
1. Mamoru/Weinberg catalog
Enhanced goal: Extract the above file from a survey database
which contains photometric pipeline output of a photometric
2. Filippenko spectrophotometric atlas of galaxies
3. QSO simulator.
An "exposure" is a set of 4 FITS format CCD frames, corresponding
to blue & red channels for 2 spectrographs, with
320 fibers per
Each target field will have the following sets of exposures
a. A flatfield exposure
b. A bias exposure
c. A comparison lamp exposure
d. 3 exposures of the targeted field
e. Documenting files
f. Enhanced goal: 4 binned exposures based on a "diamond"
A TCL interface and documentation to run the simulator.
1. Sky continuum and prominent night sky emission lines,
plus prominent telluric absorption features ( 7600 A band,
6880 B band 8200 H2O band)
2. Optionally, photon noise and read noise.
a. Spectra may have regions of unusually high noise
due to low signal, telluric abs, or
near edge of chip.
3. Spectra should have resolution and sampling similar to the
expected spectrograph resolution over the full range of
wavelength coverage (3900-9000A). 1.5A/pixel sampling,
resolution. This restriction will be relaxed somewhat
'spectra obtained from the literature' since little existing
data has that large wavelength range coverage at that
4. Object types:
a. Blank noise (broken fiber or bias/flat image)
b. Galaxies
spiral, elliptical, irregular, em-lines
redshifts from -0.01 to 1.
c. QSOs
range of spectral indicies
for continuum slope
broad emission lines O VI,
Ly-Alpha, CIV, OIV, NV, MgII, [CII,
[CIII, Mg II, Hbeta, Halpha,
siIV, etc
narrow absorption features
including ly-alpha forest,
damped Ly alpha systems, Lyman-limit systems, C IV and Mg II
of varying depths.
redshifts from 0 to 7. At
high redshifts, deep Ly-alpha
BAL spectra
Continuum slope -2.5 to
+0.5 f_nu
absorption and Gunn-Peterson
depression of continuum
should be included.
Include reddening from local
QSO environment
Redshifted wavelength range 3000 to 11000 A
d. Stars
Range of spectral types,
O,B,A,G,K,M,KI,KV, etc
Extended goal: White dwarf
and peculiar stars, WD+red dwarf
binaries redshifts +/- 1000
Templates for these types to be drawn from the existing literature
or may be generated 'from simple models' (black bodies, power laws
plus gaussian absorption and emission feature and noise.
5. Specific to 2-D simulations:
a. Pincushion distortion up to 6 pixels top to bottom.
b. Broadening of spectra with position (spectra are broader
corners of chip)
c. Broken fibers
d. Cosmic rays
6. Specific to 1-D simulations:
a. Full length red and blue joined spectra to be simulated
b. with or without sky lines.
c. with or without residual cosmic rays.
1. Simulated QSO spectra:
a. The simulations consist of a QSO power law continuum
of slope f(nu)=nu^(alpha) where alpha ranges from -2 to 2,
centered at -0.7.
b. The continuum is modified by a ly-alpha forest of
depth which increases as a function of z
c. The spectra are modified by strong broad emission lines
Ly-alpha, Ly-beta, OVI, NV, CIV, MgII, NeIII, CII],
CIII], etc. The lines have varying equivalent width
from 10 to 1000 Angstroms, the ratios of the
equivalent widths vary to a smaller extent.
d. Redshifts z=0 to z=7.
e. The spectra are modified by a set of QSO absorption
lines at
intermediate redshift, such as CIV and MgII doublets.
f. Some variable amount of internal and external reddening
should be added to the QSO spectra, up to several mags
of reddening for very high redshift objects.
g. Resolution 3 Angstroms, sample at 1.5 A/pixel
over 3900-9000Angstroms.
2. Simulated QSO colors:
a. The above spectra shall be used to generate QSO magnitudes
in 5 bands
Extrapolations shall be made for u and z filters which are
mostly outside the 3900-9000A spectral coverage range.
b. Check simulated colors against existing QSO spectra
and color catalogs
to determine if they are realistic in the regions where QSOs
known to exist. Additionally, existing QSO spectra and colors
from the
literature are to be converted to the SDSS filter system
to investigate scatter in colors and relative density
of QSOs in different parts of the color-color-color cube.
The astrometric pipeline shall:
1. Provide astrometric calibration for photometric (and Monitor Telescope)
frames, on a frame-by-frame basis, with an accuracy (excluding
due to differential refraction) such that
a. For photometric frames, the rms error of the position
of any point over
any contiguous 3 degree field in the survey area is no worse
than 260
milliarcseconds (mas), and,
b. For Monitor Telescope Secondary Field frames, the rms
error of the
position of any point in the frame is no worse than 2 arcseconds.
Extremes: all of survey area; airmass <=
1.7; scan lengths >= 20 minutes,
seeing <= 1.5 arcsec
Enhance goal: For photometric frames, rms error of no worse
than 80
milliarcsec; no requirement on turnaround time
a. CCD star positions and magnitudes from astrometric,
and Monitor Telescope ccds (frame-by-frame)
b. Telescope pointing/timing information and ambient conditions
for each frame
c. Catalog star positions from astrometric reference frame
a. Translation coefficients (row/column to coordinates
on the sky)
for each frame
2. Provide capability to compute corrections due to astrometric errors
introduced by aberration and atmospheric differential
refraction, over
a 3 degree field, for representative objects of given
Survey colors, to
an accuracy of 250 mas.
Extremes: all of survey area; airmass <= 1.7
a. Observing conditions (ambient temperature, barometric
relative humidity)
Telescope coordinates and length of observation
Bandpass of observations
Spectral energy distribution of objects (e.g., Survey colors)
a. Corrections for apparent position as function of object
color and
position in focal plane
3. Provide the capability to predict the effects telesopce optics has
astrometric accuracy as a function of position in the
focal plane, color of
objects, and observed bandpass.
4. Provide the capability to evaluate and monitor the rigidity and the
astrometric capability and stability of imaging camera
Extremes: all of survey area; airmass <= 1.7
a. High density (circa 40 stars per square degree) star
catalog of
calibration patches with accurate (circa 35mas) coordinates.
b. CCD star positions and magnitudes from astrometric
and photometric
ccds (frame-by-frame) taken specifically for astrometric
calibration purposes at a frequency TBD.
c. Telescope pointing/timing information for each frame
a. Translation coefficients (row/column to coordinates
on the sky)
for each frame
5. Provide a suite of astrometric software routines for survey-wide
use, with
tcl interfaces (e.g. coordinate transformations, precession).
6. Maintain catalogs of astrometric reference frame objects in a format
suitable for insertion into survey database. Provide capability
to extract
reference frame objects for survey bricks and strips.
Include the
following catalogs:
b. High density astrometric calibration patch star catalogs
c. USNO twin astrograph catalog (when available)
d. Hipparcos Input Catalog (and final Hipparcos catalog
when available)
e. Tycho Input Catalog (and final Tycho catalog when available)
The monitor telescope pipeline shall accept multiple nights of CCD frames
of primary and secondary photometric standard star fields and produce
calibrations sufficient to calibrate an arbitrary secondary standard
with an rms error of 1% per filter and 1% in any color averaged over
1 field. The pipeline shall also accept comparable data for primary
secondary spectrophotometric standard stars and shall achieve an rms
accuracy of no less than 3% per filter.
1. A set of primary standard stars with photometry in 5 colors.
2. Sets of primary standard star CCD frames, each field in 5 colors
approximately 6 fields per hour.
3. Sets of secondary star CCD frames, each field in 5 colors,
approximately 3 fields per hour.
4. Bias and flatfield frames
5. Sets of primary spectrophotometric star CCD frames, each field in
12 colors, approximately 3 fields per hour
6. Sets of secondary spectrophotometric star CCD frames, each field
12 colors, approximately 2 fields per hour.
1. Pointing errors 15" rms
2. Primary standard star field: highest star density l=0, b=20,
standard star no fainter than V=12.5
no other star brighter than V=9, no other star brighter
than V=18 closer
than 10"
3. Photometric secondary star exposures 1 minute (2 in u'), no stars
brighter than V=10, highest star density
l=0, b=30.
4. Spectrophotometric secondary star exposures 1 min sec (2 in u'),
no stars
brighter than r=15, highest star density l=0, b=30.
(TBD: This needs further thought)
5. FWHM < 5"
6. Air mass <= 2.2
1. Three parameters per filter:
a. Zero point offset, one per night
b. Color term, one per month
c. Extinction coefficient one per hour
2. Calibrated secondary star magnitudes and instrumental positions
Survey Definition will meet the following requirements:
1. Maintain a description of the North imaging survey area. The
will be defined by:
a) Survey Pole = 12h 20m, 32.8d
b) Survey limits satisfy A(V) < 0.3, dec >
-22 degrees; dec < 88 degrees.
c) Scanline pattern defined with overlap of 1.0 arcmin;
stripes overlap by
3 arcmin.
d) Survey longitude limits for each stripe to be used
for target selection.
2. Construct a list of know objects. Include:
a) All stars with V < 14
b) All globular clusters
c) All known galaxies with diam > 1 arcmin or V
< 14, |b| > 25,
dec > -22 deg.
d) All planetary nebulae
e) All reflection nebulae
a) ra, dec with errors no worse than 6 arcsec (absolute?
b) V magnitude with unspecified error
c) For galaxies, globular clusters, planetaries, and reflection
position angle in degrees; major and minor axis diameters in
d) B-V for stars, if known.
Required query capability
a) Position (ra/dec and great circle coordinates for survey-defined
great circles)
b) Magnitude
3. Construct a list of primary astrometric standards:
a) Density > 2 star/deg^2 at all positions in the
b) J2000 position errors < 0.3 arcsec rms per coord.
c) Covers sky in North and South survey region
a) Ra, dec, errors, proper motions, errors, epochs
b) V mag
c) B-V
d) Identifier
Required query capability
a) RA and DEC
b) Great circle coord for survey defined great circles
c) Magnitude
4. Construct a database of high density astrometric standards:
a) Density > 20 star/deg^2 at all positions
b) J2000 position errors < 0.1 arcsec rms per coord.
c) Covers 4 regions 2.5 deg square spaced along celestial
a) Ra, dec, errors, proper motions, errors, epochs
b) V mag
c) B-V
d) Identifier
Required query capability
a) RA and DEC
b) Great circle coord for survey defined great circles
c) Magnitude
5. Construct a list of primary photometric standards:
a) 50 standards spaced uniformly between dec = 0 to 60
deg and
|b| > 25 deg
b) Distribution over stellar types O5 to M0(V) or M0(III)
c) Must not saturate MT camera and have better than 1%
statistics for
exposure times 5-10 s (g'
to z') or 5-20s (u')
a) Ra, dec, errors, good to ?? arcsec
b) 5 standard colors
c) Identifier
d) Relative positions and r' mags for all stars r' <
15 within 15' of
standard to accuracy of
0.2 arcsec rms
Required query capability:
a) RA and DEC
b) Airmass, give a date and TAI
c) g'-r'
6. Construct a list of secondary photometric patches with the following
a) 22 arcminute square patches distributed on pairs of
adjacent scanlines
in each survey stripes with a mean density
of one patch per hour
b) No stars with v < 10
c) Enhanced goal: No patch with nearby stars, such that
radius > (2200
arcminutes) * 10 ^(V/5).
Required query capability:
a) position (ra, dec and great circle coordinates)
7. Contruct a list of spectrophotometric calibration standards for primary
spectrophotometric flux calibration with the following
a) 10 F subdwarfs located with |b| > 25 degrees
b) Magnitude range: 8 < V < 10
a) ra, dec, and errors, with positions better than
1 arcsecond.
o spectrophotometric calibration with < 5%
peak error
8. Construct an a priori reddening map with the following properties:
a) Coverage |b| > 25 degrees
b) Provides extinction in 5 colors
c) Angular resolution of 5 degrees (TBD: Can we do better?)
d) Maximum error at r' of 0.15 mag
Survey progress will provide a user interface to view and maintain the
1. Status of completed photometric runs. The status information will
a) In an arbitrary range of survey longitude per strip:
data exists
(including repeat observations); data accepted/rejected/no decision;
data has quality factor Q.
b) In an arbitrary range of survey longitude per stripe:
data tiled.
c) In an aribtrary tile, list of targets encoded by type
INPUT: 2.5m imaging observing report; MT, astrometric,
photo data processing
reports; tiling report
2. Status of completed MT primary star and overlap patches. The
information will be:
a) For primary standards, number of times observed.
b) For secondary patches, number of times observed; data
no decision.
c) For spectrophotometric primary standards, number of
times observed;
data accepted/rejected/no decision.
INPUT: MT observing report; MT data processing report
3. Maintain list and status of spectroscopic tiles and plates
a) For tiles, maintain field centers; list of targets;
guide stars
b) For plates, maintain id; hour angle and temperature
ranges; number of
times observed; data accepted/rejected/no decision
INPUT: Tiling report; spectroscopic observing report.
Required query capability:
a) ra and dec;
b) plate identifier
4. Provide ability to view one or more of the following items:
a) Northern and/or southern survey boundaries.
b) Reddening map
c) Location of secondary photometric patches with completion
d) Photometric run status with completion status
e) Spectroscopic status (by tile) with completion status
Target selection will take objects identified in the photometric pipeline
and generate coordinate lists for plate drilling.
1. Final Object List: merge multiple detections of objects from
individual runs and apply astrometric and photometric
calibrations and
reddening corrections. The following operations
will be provided:
a) Match multiple detections of same object in arbitrary
runs (TBD: This may be a QA function instead?)
b) Flag which of multiple detections to be used for target
based on: survey coordinates; quality factor Q of each run
c) Apply astrometric, photometric calibrations.
d) Apply reddening corrections
a) A specified area of sky or set of runs
b) A list of objects with instrumental parameters
c) A set of current calibrations
OUTPUTS: Final Object List
a) Ra, Dec (J2000) with errors
b) Petrosian magnitude in r', corrected for reddening
correction applied and error
c) PSF magnitude in r', with reddening correction applied
and error
d) Colors (u'-g', g'-r', r'-i', i'-z') with reddening
correction applied
and errors
e) Surface brightness in r', with final calibration and
correction applied and error
f) P parameter in r' band for star/galaxy separation
g) Ad-hoc target designation flag, for serendipity (TBD:
parameters needed by serendipity? Where does the flag get
Whose job is it to look for coincidences with other catalogs?)
h) BCM target designation flag (TBD: Who does the cluster
finding and
identification? Where does the flag get set?)
i) Reddening correction for each color
j) r' logarithmic raidal profile
Required query capability: All of above parameters
1a. Enhanced goal: (For serendipity)
Created cross-identifications with external catalogs.
Merge parameters
from those catalogs with final object list.
2. Target Selection: Create a list of target candidates with the following
a) Galaxy: all objects with reddening corrected Petrosian
magnitude in r'
< 18; SB(r') < 22; star/galaxy
shape parameter P < some value.
a') Big galaxies: All
b) QSO: all objects with reddening corrected PSF magnitudes
and colors
satisfying criteria defined by the QSO
working group
c) High z QSO: all objects with reddening corrected PSF
magnitudes and colors satisfying color
criteria defined by the QSO
working group
d) Brightest cluster member: all objects with the BCM
target selection
flag set
e) Blank Sky: As selected by Photo.
f) Reddening Stars: shape and color selection criteria
as defined by the
stars working group
g) Spectrophotometric Standards: all objects with PSF
14 < r < 16; star/galaxy
shape parameter P > some value; colors
satisfy TBD F subdwarf requirement defined
by the stars working group,
no stars with V<9 within 22'
h) Guide Stars: have PSF magnitude in 14 < r <
15; star/galaxy
shape parameter satisfies the "star"
requirement defined by the stellar
working group; colors TBD by USNO
i) QA: selected with criteria with the algorithm for galaxy
and QSO
positions, but with the parameters set
looser (TBD: What does this
j) Serendipitous: all objects with the ad-hoc target selection
flag set
k) Stars: shape and color selection criteria TBD
l) Bright stars: All cataloged stars with V < 9
3. Tiling: Group target candidates into "tiles" of diameter 3.0 deg
and 640 fibers optimized to minimize time-to-completion
of survey.
The following operations will be performed:
a) Create Tilable Object List: Combine the lists of galaxy,
QSO, High z QSO,
and BCM targets and reconcile close pairs as follows. Scan
for pairs
of targets closer than 50 arcseconds. Eliminate one of member
by a random lottery, except that high Z QSOs will always be retained.
The excluded target is put at the top of the "as fibers are
available" list.
b) Tile: Assign each tile to a position
based on the local density of targets,
assign the plate centers. Use an
algorithm that optimizes the time to
completion for the survey. Note
that the efficiency of the algorithm
may be affected by the shape of the
region. We allow 10^-3 of the targets
to be missed when their
inclusion seriously affects the tiling
efficiency. The central 3.2mm of
the tile can not contain a target. Plate
"jiggling" may be used
to meet this requirement. The
plate diameter is 3 degrees.
i) Tilable object list (Objects within 1 degree of the outer
of the photometric survey are not required to be selected)
ii) Number of tiles to be used
iii) Number of fibers reserved for tilable objects (561) (TBD:
this OK?)
OUTPUTS (tiling report):
i) Ra, Dec (J2000) for each tile
ii) List of objects per tile
c) Assign reserved targets to tiles as follows:
i) Blank sky: 20 (Uniform distribution)
ii) Reddening stars: 5 (TBD OK?) (Uniform distribution)
iii) Secondary spectrophotometric standards: 3
iv) Tracking stars: 10 total (no fibers)
v) Sky monitor fiber: 1
(special purpose fiber)
d) Assign targets to free fibers: The "as fibers are available"
are used with the following priority:
i) Targets excluded by the minimum separation requirement
ii) Remaining targets with the following percentages: stars 26%;
serendipity 12%; QA
e) Light traps for bright stars: TBD: How will we deal
with these at
plugging time???????
4. Plate Design: Convert celestial coordinates to rectilinear coordinates
for drilling with rms mapping error no worse than 20 marcsec
a) Ra, Dec for plate target list
b) Ra, Dec for plate center
c) Temperature, Hour Angle, date
d) Exposure time
OUTPUT (Drilling plan):
a) x, y position in mm
b) Temperature range
c) Hour angle range
d) Date range
Correct for the following effects:
a) Aberration
b) Atmospheric refraction
c) Optical mapping from sky to focal plane
d) Plate bending distortions;
e) Temperature (TBD: where does this occur?)
QA will provide a mechanism to monitor the scientific and technical
of all systems.
QA will perform the following activities:
1. Match multiple detections of same object in arbitrary independent
runs (TBD: This may be a target selection function instead?);
compute average and residuals in position, mag.
2. Match object detections against arbitrary input catalogs. Each
catalog provides the following information: Ra, Dec (J2000),
magnitude in some band; compute average and residuals
in position, mag.
3. Query all retained output for the following information:
a) All retained instrumental quantities
b) All reduced quantities
c) All internal quantities
d) For an arbitrary object, return observing conditions
(TBD: what are
needed? Moon phase is not kept anywhere)
4. Present graphical interface to the following quantites:
a) For an arbitrary run, seeing, mean sky level, # detected
# detected galaxies per frame
5. For objects with spectra, comparison of flux derived from spectrum
magnitude from photometry