Pat Hall's IRAF tasks for displaying SDSS spectra
Pat Hall has written an IRAF package, PHIST, for displaying SDSS
spectra. The task list is as follows:
dec2seg - convert decimal coordinates to sexigesimal
doigi - run existing IGI script
hexprint - convert a decimal number to hexadecimal
ionlte - calculate LTE ratios of MgI-III,AlI-IV,FeI-IV for given n_e,T ranges
lplots - overplot wavelengths of emission / absorption lines for given z
lplots2 - 2-panel lplots
mkfitsobs - make coadded FITS and text spectrum
mkobs - make text spectrum from FITS spectrum
sbqgr - sample task for converting GR's SX .tbl output to formatted ASCII
sbqsx - sample task for converting SX .tbl output to formatted ASCII
sbqsx2 - another task for converting SX .tbl output to formatted ASCII
seg2dec - convert sexigesimal coordinates to decimal
spdata - get objid,mags,ra,dec,objtype from spectrum (plate,mjd,fiber)
splat - interactively SPLOT a specific observation (plate+mjd+fiber)
splet - non-interactively SPECPLOT an observation and its error spectrum
unredden - deredden spectrum using SMC or LMC extinction curve
vcalc - calculate velocity offset in quasar rest frame
vplot - overplot wavelengths of emission / absorption lines in velocity space
vplots - multiple vplot
wcalc - calculate vacuum wavelength from air wavelength
zplot - plot spectrum in the rest frame at the specified z
Here's the README file on how to retrieve & install the package for version v.2 (December 2001):
PHIST -- Pat Hall's IRAF SDSS Tasks
v.2 011207 Read "phist.hlp" ("phelp phist opt=sys" in IRAF) for an
introduction. Entire package available as a compressed tarfile
To install, enter the proper pathnames in "" and
"phist.hd", load the IRAF "softools" package, and type
"mkhelpdb root.hd helpdb.mip", deleting the old helpdb.mip
if necessary. See "phist.hlp" for how to include
the package in your default IRAF startup.
Last modified: Mon Mar 8 17:29:53 CST 2004