Where to start
Data Release 7 is the final data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This site gives information for how
to work with Data Release 7 data. The best way to navigate the site is to use the link on the left-hand menu.
The list below shows what each of those links means.
- Go to sdss.org - links back to the main Sloan Digital Sky Survey website, which has a
general introduction to the science and its science
- DR7 Home - the home page of the Data Release 7 site
- Where to Start - this page, which gives advice on how to get started with
using SDSS DR7 data
- Data Access - an introduction to the methods by which you can access SDSS DR7 data
- Database (CAS) - access to the catalog database of the SDSS, where you
can find numerical data such as magnitudes
- Files (DAS) - access to SDSS data files in FITS format
- Value-Added - access to SDSS value-added catalogs, useful catalogs derived from
DR7 data
- Tutorials - guides to solving common problems in astronomy using
SDSS data
- Older Releases - access to previous data releases from the SDSS
- About DR7 - provides information on what data are contained in
Data Release 7
- Instruments - descriptions of the instruments that the SDSS
used in its observations
- Data Processing - descriptions of the processing that SDSS
data go through between initial observation at the telescope and final data release online
- Algorithms - detailed information about the algorithms that the
SDSS uses to process data
- Help - information and links for help on how to use SDSS data
- FAQ - frequently asked questions about the SDSS and how to use its data
- Glossary - definitions of key terms used by the SDSS
- DR Papers - papers describing each data release of the SDSS; these papers
are the fundamental source of information about how to use SDSS data
- Helpdesk - links to a page where you
can ask questions about the SDSS; an expert will get back to you with answers
- Search - a tool for searching the Data Release 7 website
About the data
- Acknowledging the use of SDSS
- Searching for SDSS catalog data: The Archive
Intro page of the Catalog Archive Server contains a high-level
description of what catalog data the SDSS provides, and how the databases are organized.
The most searchable detailed lists are the
table descriptions in the schema
browser. The most commonly used data are in the following
The algorithms page
describes how the most important SDSS quantities are measured, and
thus also gives an overview of what is available.
- The Early Data Release (EDR)
paper (with a journal subscription, access the EDR paper at the AJ web site) is the most
comprehensive printed description of SDSS data. Much of the
information on this web site is based on the EDR paper. It should be
considered essential reading to do science with SDSS data.
- However, some of the information in the EDR paper has been
superseded by information on this web site. There is a description
of changes from the Early Data Release to Data Release 1 (DR1) at
the DR1 site (also see the DR1 paper Abazajian
et al. 2003, AJ 126, 2081.
- DR2: The DR2
paper (Abazajian et al. 2004, AJ, 128, 502)
contains the details, and the respective sections of this web
site have been updated accordingly. The most important change is
that the DR1 contained
the "beta" processing of survey data. DR2 has bug-free
photometry and vastly improved spectrophotometry -- see About DR2 on
the DR2 site for details.
- About
DR3 gives an overview of what DR3 contains, and a summary of the
improvements in DR3 compared to earlier data releases. The DR3 paper
et al. 2004, AJ 129, 1755) (available here as DR3.ps (2.6 MB)) gives a brief overview of the
changes introduced in DR3.
- About
DR4 briefly describes the contents of DR4, caveats for use of
DR4 data, and upcoming features. There is also a DR4
paper (Adelman-McCarthy et al. 2006, ApJS 162, 38).
- About DR5 describes the contents
of DR5; there is a DR5
paper, Adelman-McCarthy et al. 2007, ApJ Supplements, in press
[arXiv link].
- About DR6 describes the contents
of DR6.
- About DR7 describes the contents
of DR7
Avoiding Common Pitfalls when Using the Data
About the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Last modified: Thu Nov 15 16:19:14 CET 2007